Of greater strength

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  The battle they had with his illusionary self was enlightening, to say the least. He now knew he couldn't win on his own. The girl was simply too fast and the woman somehow saw threw him. The most surprising thing about it all was that somehow they'd gained so much power within a month's time.

  'How each one has gained such power is beyond me. It took me years to become this powerful. Eighty percent, how did they manage to match eighty percent of my full power individually? In so little time no less, not even a month ago I scared of the woman. The will of the Wills is truly unknowable.'

  "Let's cut to the chase, shall we. We all know I'm the strongest one here. We all know both of you alone can't take me on and survive. We all know I'll take at least one of you with me. We all know the last one standing out of you two will be too weak to fight off the rest of the Wrens. All three of us die today or none of us do. The choice is yours."

  'Force, allow me to survive this day. For my family. For my unborn child, for Sabine. For Kanan and Hera. For everyone, I care for.'

  The girl didn't like this. He'd played them for fools before the battle even started. She knew he was right, none or all of them will die today. Reaching out with the force feeling the bond between herself and her mother, she spoke into it. 'Mother, he's right. Both of us won't survive the battle and the Wrens. What should we do?'

  'We don't have to return to Vader Emilia. He knows us, he may not know how yet, but he does. If we show him the source of his connection to us, he won't want to fight us at all. Just like we don't want to fight him.'

  'How though? We can't just come out and say it. He'll never buy that, then we'll be forced to fight.'

  'Simple but challenging. You'll start the battle with him. I'll force a shared vision with him. I'll show him everything I know. We have some shared memories after all. Even then, a child never forgets their own mother. Then I'll answer all his questions. Are you ready?'

  "Yes." Lunging forward with force speed she engages Ezra. To most, the start of the fight was nothing more than a dazzling light show. Red and Green swirling around one another with such speed they left a glowing trail in the wake. The force of the impact when the two blades finally met and locked caused a violent overcharge for both of their sabers blade emitters, causing a sudden deactivation. With the monetary loss of a blade, Ezra allowed the momentum the high-speed battle gave him to carry him forward. With a small hop and a twist in the air, he extends his right leg, catching the girl in the face. The force of the blow caused her helmet to not just crack but to shatter from the impact. Landing and quickly whipping around to face her he finally lays eyes on her, not her armor, but her.

  She could sense her son's surprise when he laid eyes on his sister for the first time. She could also sense the shock from seeing a woman that looked too strikingly similar to him for it to be a coincidence. Too much so in his opinion, she suspects. At this moment, when her oldest and youngest finally truly meet one another, she attacked his mind. Slipping into his head she found what she was looking for, his subconscious. Forcing it into the forefront of his mind, as with everyone, induced a vision. Because she caused it, she was made part of it.

  Suddenly standing on air within what seemed to be an active storm cloud. She looks forward to find him facing her, standing not even ten feet away. "Why have you drawn me into my mind woman?" She was surprised by his harsh but measured tone. "Ezra, I-" She was cut off by the sudden and crippling pain in her own head. She suddenly feels a strong and tightening grip on her throat. Looking forward she realizes that he's got her by the throat and is holding her above his head with only his left hand. "I am in control here! You will answer my questions! Or, you, will die! Now answer me!"

  Being thrown violently to the ground wasn't a new feeling, but the almost pure rage she felt from Ezra was. "I-i w-want to show y-you something, Ezra." She felt the shift in his emotions, she knew he wouldn't pass up the chance at a possible explanation to their inexplicable connection. "Show me then."

  Pulling the memory of the night she lost her family from her own mind and projecting it into his was easy. "Seeing it all play out again and again. I had seen this memory in my nightmares for nearly ten years. You had to have sensed that I no longer mourn my old life when you pulled that memory from me. So why do you show me this, woman?"

  "Look closer, is this how you remember it?" Taking a closer look at the old memory he finds she has a point. The point of view is wrong. "It's a memory form one of my parents." Only after he stated the realization. Did he truly come to it himself. "You've met them, at least one of them! Where are they! Tell me, now!"

  The confusion was apparent on everyone's faces. The battle had just stopped dead in its tracks. The girl now knelt on the ground holding her bruised and bloodied face. Her lightsaber left forgotten a few feet to her right.

  Ursa stood there, just as confused as the others about the situation at hand. 'Should I order them to attack now? Ezra said to hold off until he'd killed one or if he died. But he's just standing there, looking at the girl. We'll keep waiting, for now at least.'

  Sabine looked out one of the many windows the stronghold could boast. Range finder on her helmet down optical zoom set to max. She knew something with the force was happening between Ezra and the older inquisitor. What exactly? She had no idea at all.

  Kanan could sense the four signatures that currently dwelled on mandalor. "How are they all so similar, but yet so different?"
"Because, love, their all made to do the same thing. And you should know by now that function follows form. So, of course, they'd all look similar." Kanan was a little surprised she knew what he was talking about. Then it came back to him, he was on a page in the holo pad that showed a bunch of cribs. All looking very different, but all looking generally the same. "Right as always, love."

  Vader was not pleased. He only now sensed the plan Mira had concocted and executed perfectly. "You may have won this time, Bridger. But the next we meet, you will die."


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