A new home, old enemies

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  "Ezra it's been two weeks already, why can't you keep the armor on? If it doesn't fit we can have it reforged. I did tell you that right?" The look she got from her mate told her that she did forget to tell him that that's a thing they do to the armor if it doesn't fit. "No, no you did not! We're having it fixed now, let's go!"

  Ursa couldn't help but smile when she heard the banter between her daughter and her mate. She was glad Sabine chose him on her won. If she hadn't? Well, that didn't matter, she'd be stuck with him anyway.

   'We would have owed that boy to much if Sabine didn't choose him. I still wonder why his master didn't come along back then. No matter, it's not like I would have even entertained the idea of giving Sabine to him anyway, far too old for her. Besides from what Sabine told me that green twi'lek wouldn't have appreciated the gesture. What was her name again? Her'a, no that sounds stupid. Hear'a? No not that. Ah got it, Hera, that's it. Wait, where was I going again? Oh, right, now where's Alrich run off to this time?'

  As they made their way to the top of the whitewashed, windswept and perpetually frozen peak of the mountain overlooking the Wren stronghold, the duo talk about the mission they've been given. "Tell me, sister, why have we been sent here to watch the Wrens?" The sister didn't turn her head when she spoke, she was more concerned with her footing on the icy soil. "Lord Vader sent us to deal with the usurper and to take the one carrying the child." With his curiosity sated for the moment, he returns his focus to scaling the mountain.

  It didn't take nearly as long as he'd thought it would have to have his armor reforged and custom-fitted to him. Although he credited the laser measurements and the machine doing all the work to the speed.

  "Is this the place sister?" He honestly thought a Mandalorian stronghold would look more imposing and less, modern, in its design. "You'd think all that glass wouldn't be good for anything if something explodes. Honestly, when it comes to Mandalorians, it's not if something explodes, but when. Then theirs the cold, it can't be keeping the cold out very well."

  "Brother?" Her tone was calm and precise. "Yes, sister?" He seemed a bit surprised that she had a question for him. "Do you ever shut up?" She asked in a sugary-sweet tone that wasn't fitting for an Imperial inquisitor. The look on her face screamed bloody, horrible, torturous, macabre murder in direct contradiction to her tone.

  Alrich loved painting, he loved it even more when his little girl painted with him, or they spent an evening talking about painting. One thing he hated was being interrupted from his painting.

  "Sir, we've picked up two people on the scanners. They climbed the other side of the mountain that faces the back of the stronghold. They've been observing us for about an hour now. The reason we bring this to your attention is because they've just sent out a probe droid. What are your orders, sir?"

"Mhm, are they imperials? If they are, do we know what kind of probe droid they sent out? Also, the ship they came herein, have we found it? If we have, do we know what model it is?" To most, these questions may seem like unnecessary details. Especially to his fellow Mandalorians. For them, the battle plan stopped when the blaster you where going to use was decided. To Alrich though, the small details of a painting are very much like those of a combat strategy, the most important part, but often, the most overlooked.

  "Sir, we've identified their ship as one of the imperial inquisition. The same goes for the probe droid they sent out. We believe they've come for Ezra and perhaps Sabine's child as well. Sir"

  If only one thing could upset Alrich more than being interrupted while painting, it would be one of two things. Filthy Imperial dogs, polluting his homeland with their stink. Or someone or something trying to harm his family. "Send for- oh, someone's calling me." Answering the call from his wrist come, he finds a little holo image of Ezra standing before him.

  "Ah, my newest son. I was just about to send for you. I'm I to believe you calling me right as I was about to send for you is not a coincidence?"

  "No, Alrich. It's not a coincidence. I guess you know about the inquisitors being here too?" Alrich found it surprising that he already knew they where inquisitors. "I have the force at my back Alrich. I sensed them coming, that's how I know they're here. I vote we deal with them now, Sabine is sleeping, so what she doesn't know can't hurt her. They're on the other side of the mountain that faces the back of the stronghold, correct?"

  "Correct, I'll have a team assemble and-"
"There's no need for any of that, just have a few snipers with shielding go up there when I do. Give them orders to fire if the inquisitors try to quit the field, otherwise, don't interfere." Alrich knew his new son was a force to be reckoned with but he feared he may be overestimating himself. "Ezra, I-" Again his new son cut him off. "Alrich, you remember Darth Maul, correct? And the Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi? I killed them both single-handedly, on the same day, in the same battle. I can handle two inquisitors on my own."

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