Ending of the old

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  If you were to ask Ezra at this very moment if he thought his day would turn into a six-hour-long battle with stormtroopers and one inquisitor that kept running from him, he'd tell you no. He'd also tell you that he didn't think an inquisitor could be so cowardly, or that stormtroopers could actually hold a position for more than a few minutes, granted that's probably more the four walkers than the stormtroopers.

  "Sir we're not gonna be able to hold out here for much longer!" Then there's the lieutenant. This man has annoyed him more in one day than the years he spent being Zeb's roommate ever did. "I'm aware of that lieutenant! How are the wounded?" His lack of response annoyed Ezra even more. Turning his head to face the man he finds all if his men including the lieutenant have been killed.

  "Oh, well my day just got, so much better!" The cynicism was plain to hear as he jumped across the street and onto a rooftop, he noticed the stormtroopers aren't giving chase, more than likely because he was the reason they'd all been driven into cover. A Jedi deflecting blaster bolts back at the offender is as a good defense as firing said blaster.

   Reaching out with the force he finds his men are as dead as he thought. "Oh, commands gonna have a field day with this." It was tragic that his men had been wiped out but that can happen on almost all missions. "Ugh, not like it matters, I'm leaving tomorrow anyway."

  Jumping from rooftop to rooftop he got to the rendezvous point in record time. Running into the bay of the ghost he finds the family chatting away with one another. "Start her up and let's go!" They all went to their positions. Ezra was making his way to chopper so he can have him make a copy of the data core he just stole but was grabbed by Hera before he even found the astromech.

  "Ezra, where's everyone else?" Her question was simple. Its Simplicity didn't detract from its seriousness, however. "They died Hera, it happens." She didn't like how he just shrugged off his team being wiped out. She was going to question him further but the rabble the others were raising forced her back to the cockpit and start flying.

  "We'll pick this up again later." Her tone was a stern one. A few years ago he would have been afraid to cross her when she spoke like that. But these days, he had no fear of his mom. Not when he more than likely had an upset Sabine too. 'An angry mom or an angry wife wait no she said we'd be called intended on mandalor. Eh, more or less the same thing.'

  Finding chopper proved easy enough. Getting him to copy the data core? Fat chance of that anytime soon. Sensing her approach he couldn't help but smile. "Yer done for now ya bucket o bolts." He didn't even need to sense her anymore her annoyed footsteps were loud enough. "Bridger! Med bay, now!" 'Ah shit, wrong angry woman. Wait whys bean so angry? I'm not shot, am I? Nah I seem fine. Well, guess I'll find out soon enough.'

  Sitting down in the chair in the med bay he didn't think he'd get a strong smack to the face from Sabine. "What is wrong with you!? Do you not understand that you can die!? How are we supposed to go to krownest and be happy if you die out on some beginner data-stealing run!? Explain how this 'easy mission' went wrong!?"

  He wanted to be upset that she smacked him but she did have a point. He's been skirting death like a champ the last few days, it must seem like he's trying to get out of going to krownest with her.

   "Alright bean, ya know how I've been having trouble with the dark side lately?" Her brief but firm nod was all the confirmation he needed to move forward with the conversation. "Well, that trouble blocked my senses, those blocked senses allowed the inquisitor to get the jump on us. While I tried to fight her, the stormtroopers attacked the men. The incompetent lieutenant worked everyone into a dead-end street and by the time I got there and joined the fight, it was too little too late. I didn't kill the inquisitor either. She kept running off, pulling me away from the others, figuring that's what she wanted, I quit the chase and went back to the others."

  "Ugh, I want to be mad at you." She seemed to have dropped that topic of conversation for a happier one. "Are you and Kanan gonna go train after this? If not we really should start packing for when we leave for krownest. You do remember we're leaving tomorrow right?" How could he have forgotten? Their life together was about to really begin and she thinks he's gone and forgot about it? "Theirs no way I could have forgotten that Sabine. Yes, your mother is so horrifying she can make a ranchor shit itself. But she's family now, I've got no reason to be afraid of her. Besides, I don't want you and the little one around all this violence any more than you two have to be. It's best we get to krownest, where it's safe."

  She hated how all it took for her to become a blushing mess was for him to bring up the fact that she's pregnant. 'Well, it's more the memories of that particular night, but that's an irrelevant detail. Then there's that damn warm feeling that shows up out of nowhere when he says little one or you two to me. Manda, how have I become like this? Blushing like a little girl over some words Ezra likes to say.'


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