An odd one

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  "Figures really, the one place in Mandalorian space that's not some kinda wasteland has squatting imperial's ruining it for everyone else. I'm really gonna have to have Ursa make more thorough checks of the places she sends me before she sends me. Aaand they see me, great."

  The blast from the walker blowing apart a good chunk of ground not even two meters from him would have raddled most people, even most soldiers. "Ugh, I am so not hearing Sabine complain about this one, it's not even my fault."

  Jumping up from his position and into the open air, he takes a deep breath. Feeling the world around him slow down, he looks towards the imperial's that are firing at him. 'Mhm, the gunner of the walker is faster than most.' Ezra was actually impressed with the guy, he'd already sighted In on him again and fired a shot his way.

  Focusing in on the incoming fire from the walker was easier then it looked, that, he was sure of. Deflecting the shot back at the walker? Childs play, he could it have done it years ago if he could have managed to hold on to his saber. 'Gods, I hope Sabine doesn't somehow find out I just did that. I'm totally screwed if she does.'

  Landing on the ground while the now crumbling and burning walker crashed into the ground proved to be an exceptional diversion. Reaching out with the force and finding the weakest minds among the stormtroopers was just as easy as deflecting the walkers shot, if a bit more time-intensive. Within a minute he had roughly fifty of the two hundred or so stormtroopers firing on their friends.

  "Man, I almost feel sorry for them... Hahahahaa, ooh, I crack myself up sometimes." Hearing the blaster fire die down he reaches out again and senses that the trick with the others was super effective. "Damn, talk about a culling. Half of you bastards went and got yourselves killed off in the second act. Oh well, time for act three." Again reaching out with the force he looks for all the fallen blasters. Grabbing onto them he levitates them, then starts spinning them around at high speed.

  "Captain! What's happening!?" 'oh, no, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.' "I-I don't know! Uh, leave the blasters, we're getting outta here!" 'oh, it's far too late for that, captain.' The spinning blasters started firing a volley of crimson bolts on to the hapless imperials. Within a minute they all had been killed.

  "Well, that was disappoi- gahmfp!" He didn't know what just hit him. But he did know he bounced up off of the ground when he hit then skid a few feet when he landed the second time. "Oh, gods, did I just get backhanded by a ranchor? How did I miss it? Eh, I ain't got no time for that right now." Pulling himself up and off of the ground he hears two small thud sounds.

  "Oh, it's the inquisition." Finally getting up from the ground and standing he looks towards the duo. 'Is it always a boy and a girl inquisitor? Well, that doesn't matter.' "Sorry to interrupt your guyses date. That seems to happen a lot. Ya know, just last week some of your coworkers were having themselves a little romantic rendezvous, on my mountain!"

  "It seems we've gone and found ourselves a little chatterbox of a Jedi dear sister." The sister seemed to be tired of hearing the brother's voice. "He's been talking your ear off hasn't he?" The sigh she let out was as good an answer as any other.

  Reaching out with the force he feels something from the sister he wasn't expecting, there was some kind of familiarity with her. 'That's weird, have I met her before? Guess I'll have to ask.' "Excuse me, sister, have we crossed paths before?"

  When she heard the question she seemed to snap out of her own thoughts. "I, I do not believe so, Jedi." The brother seemed to be annoyed by her lack of aggression towards the Jedi. "Sister, it seems you've forgotten that that, is our enemy. A Jedi, you do realize this, correct?" When she failed to respond to his question. He seemed to choose now as his chance to strike down the Jedi.

  Throwing the saber's hilt into the air, activating the blade mid-flight in hopes of catching him off guard. 'That's kinda funny, Maul used the same trick on Tatooine.' Sticking out his left hand he catches the hilt. "Ya know, you could use some original material. This moves already been used and it failed that time too."

 He laughs at the parallels this situation has with the start of the battle on Tatooine. Using the force to augment his strength he crushes the hilt in his hand. This earns him a sense of surprise from the two inquisitors then a jolt of fear after tossing the crumpled remains to the ground. He then throws his own blade their way. The lady inquisitor proved impressive, throwing the now disarmed brother out of the way then deflected the blade. Ezra couldn't help the smile from creeping up his face as he called his blade back to his hand. 

  "I'm glad that you're at least competent with your abilities. Although, I'm still wondering why you seem so familiar to me. Are you sure we haven't met before?" She didn't answer his question, but she did deactivate the bottom blade of her saber then dropped into a Soresu defensive stance. "That only makes you that much more interesting, sister. I've never seen an inquisitor use a form that wasn't Juyo."

  The other inquisitor suddenly attacked him with another lightsaber. "You have two-hey that's my spare!" The inquisitor attacked again with a wide bottom to top swing. Sidestepping the inquisitor, he sticks out his right foot, tripping the man. Adding a slight force push he sends him to the ground with more force then he would have otherwise.

  Throwing his saber into the back of the now prone inquisitor finishing him off with little to no effort. Calling the spare to his hand then looking towards the other one he finds she's gone.

  "Finally, someone with some survival instincts. What an odd signature in the force though, it's only a little different from mine. An odd one, that's for sure." The flashing light on his comm caught his attention. "Oh, who's calling me this time?" As he answered it the force gave him a warning. "Ezra! If you think you can keep running around looking for trouble! I'm gonna, ah! Get home right now!" With that said she hung upon him with a huff. "Shit."

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