Beginning of the new

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  'Huh, this didn't take nearly as long as Sabine said it would. Granted I only have seven sets of clothes, my blaster and saber. Yeah, that's probably why it didn't take long.' Grabbing his bag and making way for Sabine room he finds she's somehow got four bags worth of belongings. "I didn't know you had this much stuff bean." She huffed at the comment. "Neither did I. Well actually that bag by the door is all of your helmets. The one I'm working on now is all my clothes, the other two are paints, paintings, and applicators."

  "Sounds about right. So we gonna tell the others or is it gonna be something like leaving a recording saying bye? I was thinking of actually telling the others we're leaving." Again she huffed at him. "Ez, you told me Kanan might not let you leave until your in balance, what do we do if he tries to stop us?"

  "I doubt he could stop either of us if it really came down to it." She never liked it when he seemed so willing to bring violence down on the others. It made her think that he was losing himself to the dark side or however he puts it. "Ezra, take a deep breath and clear your head." She found that she didn't need to say much more than that while maintaining an even tone to get him to realize he's being a bit off.

  "Oh, sorry bean, I didn't, I'm gonna go meditate for a while." He was making way for the door when Sabine grabbed his arm. "Sit on the bed ez. Ya know you don't have to leave the room to meditate." Now it was his turn to huff. "You know I'm not very good company while meditating. I'm more or less asleep the whole time." She took his hand and walked him to the now sheetless bed and sat him down. "Now clear your mind, then go say goodbye to the others. I'll have everything packed away on the gauntlet by then." She turned to get back to her packing when Ezra grabbed her hand. "Shouldn't you be resting? You've been walking around all day." She wanted to say no and get back to business. But of course, she always had trouble turning him down when he was willing to let her cuddle, uninterrupted, for a least an hour.

  "Don't start thinking you're always going to win Bridger." She said while laying down on top of him. "Didn't you say I'm a Wren now bean?" He didn't get a response, reaching out with the force he finds she's already fast asleep. "Told ya so bean."

  Kanan knew Ezra and Sabine were leaving soon. So he prepared a number of lessons for Ezra to go over and he also wrote out down the knight trials as well. "If the dark side did one good thing for him, it's that knew found hunger for knowledge." He also put down the other lightsaber fighting styles and the subvariants of the styles. "I might not know how you learned juyo, juyo-kos or vaapad. But I can't argue those are formidable styles." After a few minutes, he'd put down everything he could think that Ezra might need in order to stave off the darkness.

  Hera wasn't stupid, she also wasn't one to overlook odd behavior when it came to members of her family. She knew Ezra and Sabine we're going to leave any day now. With this in mind, she went down to Sabine's room so she could slip the message she wrote for them into one of her bags. She wasn't anticipating walking in on the two of them while they were enjoying one another. "Oh, gods! I'm sorry!"

  Sabine heard someone screaming. "Wha-whats with all da noise?" Raising her head of off Ezra's chest she looks at the light coming from the door she sees Hera standing there looking petrified. "What is it Hera?"

  "I didn't mean to-wait, where you sleeping? Oh, that's what you where-never mind that." Taking two steps into the room and handing her the holo pad she takes a step back towards the door. "Here I wrote this up for you guys for when you leave, yes, I know you and Ezra are gonna leave any day now." Taking a look around the room she sees the four packed bags and the one half-packed one she couldn't help the smile from forming on her face. "Seems like later today from the look all these packed bags are giving me though." She then took one big step to stand in front of Sabine, the small grin she had suddenly shifted to a more sly one. She then leaned in and whispered into her ear. "If it's a girl, it better be named Hera." With this, she whisked herself out of the room in record time, leaving a wide-eyed Sabine shaking Ezra awake demanding to know when he told Hera about the baby.

  Zeb found himself grumbling to Kallus about how the old clone had to be cheating throughout all the games of cu'bikad. "Come on, there's no way he could have won seven games in a row without not cheating!" Patting his friend on the back Kallus could only smile at his misfortune. "Come on Zeb, the drinks tonight are on me."

  Sitting in the cockpit Hera found herself feeling a little jealous of Sabine. Reaching over to the comm system she decides to rectify that feeling. "Love, could you come by the ghost real quick? You know where I'll be." She then ends the call before Kanan can respond. She then calls Zeb. "Hey, Zeb, your gonna stay with Kallus again right? Good, see ya tomorrow." Much like the call with Kanan, she ends the call before Zeb could respond. "If Sabine gets to have a baby, then so do I, besides I've been stringing Kanan along long enough."



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