New Life

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Two weeks later:

      I left my family two weeks ago. My bond with Bex has faded. I can't feel it anymore. I had crossed the border into the human lands along with three other Faes: Catherine, Dakota, and Enzo. They all came from different courts. Enzo came from my court, but he doesn't know who I am. Cathy is from the summer court and Dakota— he was originally from the spring court, but moved to the winter court. They've all been rouges for a long time.

         When I met them I was laying down across the branches in a tree close to the borders of the Dawn court. I was matted in dirt and muck, they could tell I was a run away. Enzo started getting suspicious of who I was because the daughter of the night court was reported missing, but I shushed him with my mind. He never questioned it again. Each one of them had their own powers. Catherine or Cathy as we call her, has a power we call Plantee. She can sprout plants and flowers in command.

         Enzo is a bit weird. I've seen some quirky powers in my time, but none like his. He can stop time and freeze things on his command. It isn't an illusion or anything, it legitimately stops— freezes. In the mortal realm where we live. We like to save children from falling on their play sets. It's quite interesting seeing children play- how feisty they are. Dakota's power is one we don't speak of much. If he wants it to happen— he can make anything float. No matter it's weight. Zero-gravity is a good term for it.

"Nalani, snap out of it and come help me will ya!" Cathy hollered at me. I changed my name to protect my identity. Everyone in Prythian knows the name of the lost daughter of the night- Nova— and that is no longer who I am. Now I am Nalani Practer— an eternal rouge. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Enzo!" He didn't answer me. "Enzo!" I heard a crash upstairs. "Damn it, Cathy what is he doing?"

"Last I checked he was cleaning his room. Maybe one of his objects fell while he was holding it in the air... again!" She yelled at me. "Now get in here and help me cook!" Living in a four bedroom, two and a half bathroom is an absolute dream to me. I found out that I don't like big houses and lavish life. It's too much for me. "Nalani! You zoned out again." Jeez. I walked into the kitchen so she wouldn't yell at me anymore. "I need you to go into the village for some spices. Ok? K."

Welp. I've been kicked out for now. I put on my cloak and shifted my appearance so my Fae ears went away and my essence was more like one of a mortal. "Alright, I'm out." I said and shut the door. We didn't live far from the village. Maybe a five minute walk over the hill. I could already hear children hooping and hollering from here. As I walked to the village's market. My family and people I once remembered came to mind, but I need to forget them.

When I got in the market, the same boy who always sold us our spices greeted me. He was flirty and sweet to me. Most people would say that Fae are beautiful compared to humans. They just radiated a high end beauty. Several times he called me pretty and every time I would say "Awe, thank you." He was always in a trance around me. His name is Henry Samuels. "Afternoon, Henry. I need Paprika and Cilantro."

He smiled and chuckled a little bit. "Here you go Nalani. That's going to be three coppers." I handed him the coppers. "Thank you." I said, winking at him. His smile grew even bigger. "You're welcome." He replied to me. On my way back to our house. A man, one who always looks at me funny, walked past me. As he did so something shiny flashed out of his pocket. An iron rod. He pushed it on my skin and it burned.

I didn't show a reaction to it though, to protect my group— oh yeah, did I mention we called ourselves the Runaway rouges. I turned around to him and said, "Hey, sorry. I wasn't really watching where I was going." As a way to distract him. He apologized back to me and carried on his way. I hurried back to the house to tell Enzo and Dakota. Us three usually took care of the dirty work. Cathy was more of a sissy— but besides that, we have a man we have to "take care" of.

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