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"What in the Cauldron has gotten into you guys?" Mom had yelled at us. "Do you have any idea how hard it is for us parents to keep up with all of you? I know that you're old enough to take care of yourselves, but this is not acting like you're old enough." She paced back and forth, flaring her hands. "Mom," I opened up to her. "I'm old enough to take care of myself. All the countless hours I've spent training with Cassian and all the assassin work I've done should have damn well taught me how to take care of myself." I felt Bex when I spoke. He was imploding, fixing to explode with rage.

He got it from Dad's Father. We have heard many stories talking about the attitude our grandpa had. "I know you can take care if yourself Nova, but this horny shit had an image in his head of you that I don't appreciate. Tying you up and doing bad things. It was horrible." Bex had said. Mom had turned her head to Titus. "What?! You've never heard of a kink before." I put my hand by my mouth and chewed on my knuckles to keep from laughing. Mom had looked dumbfounded.

At the same time I felt embarrassed because he had put an image of me in his head like that. I made a pretty simple decision to climbed into his head and see the image of me like that. A vision had came to me:

She had long black hair that flowed over her shoulders. The simple rising of her chest with every breath she took was enough for me. Nova seemed innocent, but every time I look into her eyes I can see that she wants me. My father knows that I like her, sadly he told me to stay away from her. I was told a story a long time ago about my dad. He was in love with the high lady of the night court. She wasn't high lady back then, but he loved her anyway. Feyre had left him for a new man, Rhysand. And he knew he was never going to get her back.—-

I was snapped out of his mind by my mom, she had attacked mine. She climbed inside and started screaming. Scared me to death, but I'll be alright. "Stay out of his head!" She yelled to me. I had never heard the full details of her past love with Tamlin. She had never told me or Bex. "Why? Because he knows things about you that I don't?" I yelled at her. "There are things he knows about you that I don't! I'm your daughter for crying out loud!" Her face got blood red.

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to go through what I did!" Mom hollered back. I wasn't buying any of this. "What? That you didn't pick the right man the first time? That I'm going to be as much of a fuck up as you once were? Newsflash mom! I'm not! As a matter of fact I don't care!" The boys were just watching us back and forth. Soon I began to not care what was going on inside Titus' head.

I jumped up from my seat and ran down to my room, I didn't look back, I couldn't bring myself to do it. However, their eyes pierced my back as I walked out, I could feel it. They better have got a nice long look at me because it was the last time they'd see me for a long time, maybe even forever. I didn't plan on coming back. When I went into my room I immediately put on my leathers and every single blade and dagger I owned. The hilt of my weapons were designed with my first and middle name. I ran my finger over the Nova Elise scrolled across it.

Mom had recommended I put that on there. Bex has his on his blades too. Bex Suriel. The back story to his name just came to me. Made me cry every time I heard it from mom—- I'm getting distracted. If I wanted to go, I needed to go now. Sticking my head out my door, I could hear distinct talking. Everyone was inside. Perfect. I wrote a note and left it on my bed. It was to everyone. Mostly the people I was close to. Dad would be hurt by this the most. It took an effort to mask my scent, but I did. Then I jumped out of my window. Never to be seen again by anyone who was here today. The letter was the only goodbye they were going to get.

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