Rolling Stars

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We arrived to the rink earlier than I thought we would which was nice. On the way here, Mack and Danny discussed the topic of training camps we have in the Illyrian Mountains. For two months out of the year, all the young little Illyrians go to a camp and learn basic Wing anatomy and moves that we do in the legion. I did it when I was younger, but was always hated because I was better than literally everyone. Cassian lives in the same house we do so I had a source to train with whenever.

Inside the building was a giant railed in oval which was where everyone skated. There were tables and stands with food along the back wall. All of a sudden I'm snapped out my thinking because Mack elbowed me in the side and pointed to the back right corner. Ahh shit. I thought. There stood, Kaden, Thomas and Drew. Illyrian jerks who always wanted to get in my pants because I'm High Daughter of this Court.

"Let's just start skating from this side." I pulled both of them to the counter where we grabbed our skates, then walked to a table and sat, waiting for them to put them on. Mack must have read my mind because she said, "Nov- don't stress over him. You're the strongest teen Illyrian I know. You can kick his ass in a heart beat." Danny and I both chuckled. "Come on," I said, "Let's go out there and skate."

We do this maybe twice a week and Danny never seems to get any better. Every time we come here, he skates like a little Fawn learning how to walk. A fun thing that Mack and I like to do, because we're so good at skating, is use our wings to give us boost.

She will slack behind while I stretch out my wings and flap them, giving myself a fast pace. Once I'm done, I'll tuck my wings back in and she will do it. Maybe one day Danny will be good enough to do it, but Mack says she isn't to sure. I at least put a little bit of hope in myself that he will.

After a while of skating we got bored. So we decided it best to go somewhere else for the rest of the night. I didn't care what time it was. Dad would probably be pissed but who cares? Not me. We hung our skates up in the locker we have there and nodded by to the person at the front desk.

It was Mack's idea to go to a bar. Danny, of course he agreed. I just said to myself- Fuck it. I'll go with them. There's one bar we go to in Cretha, it's not very big but it's almost in the middle of no where. They also play some of the best music.

Cassian has a tab set up there and I usually just put the cost of everything on there because I don't want to ask my parents for one of my own. Mack and Danny ordered single drinks— One at a time. I just asked for a whole bottle of Tequila and told them to put it on Cassians tab. They all know who he is.

I chugged from the bottle for no specific reason. Maybe because I wanted to get wasted, but that was all. We danced for hours- it felt like, on end. I have no idea who this one dude was but I threw it back on him. He didn't seem to mind me, at all.

It was getting late, I was drunk, and Mack and Danny wanted to go home. We parted ways on the road we met at and I drug myself home with a fourth of a bottle of tequila left. Looking at the placement of the moon, I could tell that the parents were asleep. I barged right in the front door and slumped on the frame. Only because I couldn't keep myself up straight. No one was in the front room so I thought I could sneak by. Boy was I wrong. Everyone— and I mean everyone was in the front room. They were cutting up but Silenced when I hiccuped. The look of anger on Mom and Dads face was something I don't think I've ever seen.

Sorry it took so long to update, I wasn't busy nor had writers block. Just procrastinating. Hehe, sorryyyyyy

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