Its Already Time?

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I was lounging in the hammock seat in my room when mom opened the door and peeked in, "Afternoon Nov, I just wanted to tell you that we go back to the All Courts House tomorrow. Is that fine with you?" Since I was being such a good individual the last three weeks, mom allowed me a little more freedom and a little more choice in what I did. I smiled at her since that's what she enjoys, "Yes Momma, it's absolutely tremendous. I will start making sure I have everything ready, Love you!"

Moms eyes lit up and she charmed a smile as well. "Ok dear, your Dad and I will be at the library, I finished my books and Rhys is complaining that I'm complaining. Anyway, Bye Nova." When she left I just about gagged. When they go to the library half the time they get a little freaky. I remember once I went to tell them Bex was stealing my stuff and I caught them on level seven behind a stack. No matter how hard I try to wash out that image, it stays. I shivered.

This time, I decided I'm going to act like I'm expected too. It can't be that bad, I assume. With a just three words I can have Nuala, the twin who works with my clothes, in my room. "Nuala, I need help." A shadow figure came out of my walls. Nuala came into the light and curtsied, "Yes, Young Lady." I walked over to her and gave her a light hug, I'd grown up with the twins and was comfortable with them. There was never a time where Nuala wasn't there to help. "I'm wanting to wear some dresses this week at the High Lord House and I'm not sure what colors or styles." She smiled and walked straight to my closet.

"Is there any particular reason why you want to wear dresses, Miss? It's so unlike you." Nuala was right, it's not like me, doeskin pants and tunics are my thing. "I just want to try out being a lady. Like how mom likes it." She sighed and walked out of my closet with a rose dress, a purple dress, and a black and grey dress. Each was puffy and smooth. "Here try these on, Miss." I stepped in the purple one first. It had T-shirt sleeves and was comfortable, wow.

The next I tried on was a rose colored dress with elbow length sleeves, it wasn't a favorite of mine. As a matter of fact I hated it. "Nuala, I don't like this one. It's uncomfortable near my midsection." She went back in the closet and pulled out six long sleeve dresses, one was turquoise and salmon, it was really pretty. "This dress will fit just like the purple one, it just has long sleeves." I had seven dresses, one for each day. "Ok Nuala, thank you. Can I just wear my black silk slippers under them?" She nodded, ok that's what I'm going to do. "You can leave now Nuala. I'll be alright." She put away the dresses I didn't like and curtsied, "Ok, Miss Nova. Speak when you need me."

With that said she walked out, back through the shadow in my wall. I didn't try on the long sleeve grey and black so I put it on and decided to wear it throughout the house. I used the mirror to lace it up and adjust it to where it looked right. I slipped on my black silk slippers and made my way downstairs, Cassian was sitting at the table eating probably everything in our cool box. He looked up and saw me and started screaming laughter. "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? AHAHAHAH!" I rolled my eyes and looked away. Mor had walked in the room, "What is all this—," she saw me, "Oh my Cauldron! You're so beautiful." Morrigan walked over and punched Cassian on the arm. He stopped laughing immediately.

"I just thought I'd start trying, you know?" I said. Mor smiled and nodded her agreement. "As Long as it makes you happy. Does Feyre know?" I shook my head, "No, not yet. She will see when she comes home." Mor snatched the food out of Cassian's hand  and put it back in the cool box. Azriel popped out of the shadows, "You look nice." I turned around to him and replied, "Thank you." The door knob had turned and Dad, Mom and Bex walked right through he door. Mor, Cass, and Az all kept silent. "What's everyone silent—- for?" She had spotted me too. "Oh Nova! You look so good, Honey!" Momma walked over and gave me a hug. "I'm so proud of you! Rhys, My love. Doesn't she look wonderful?" He nodded, "Yes she does." Well, they walked off before I knew, but I'm glad they liked it. Bex has chimed in my head, You look.... nice. It might take some time to get used to it thought. The only thing I sent him back was a vulgar gesture. Sometimes he can be such an ass.

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