Decisions, Decisions

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For the rest of the day, Sonny's words rang in my head. "You'll be unhappy." Unhappy——.... Unhappy——.... Each time I even thought on it a little bit, the ticking grew louder and everything hurt more. All of my thoughts from when I was younger came back to me as well. Some I didn't remember until now.

Age: 120(Human:9)
Narrator P.O.V

"Nova dear, It's time to come inside and get ready for the etiquette class!" Feyre had called from the front porch. Nova had been playing outside in the mud after the rain for hours on end. Since she was growing older, she had to get ready to be older. Rhysand has never wanted this for Nova, but it was the right decision to make. Feyre knee she had to become somewhat of a lady to show in front of the court one day.

"But Mommy! I don't want too! I've said before that I don't wanna run the court! Bex wants to. Let him do it!" Feyre always felt a little heartbroken when she said this. "I know you don't Dear, but you have to! Just come on inside!" Nova was one to break rules— and hearts apparently— so she was not, no matter what it took, going inside. Instead she leaped into the sky and flew off to where she thought no one would find her.

End of flashback
Age: 167(Human:13)
Narrator P.O.V

By the time she reached a ripe age, she'd made her decision. Nova had chose to be a rouge. For the past year she's been sneaking out of her house and flying to different courts all throughout Prythian. She could never make a choice on which one, so she picked them all. Each court had its flaws, each had the nicest and the rudest of people. They didn't know who she was, so she could go around and be normal.

Nova had made a promise to herself, Feyre, her mom, could never find out. All her mom had put effort to most of her life was preparing her to run a court. Bex was always super stoked to run the court and be in power, so keeping him on the right track wasn't going to be too hard. Now all she had to do was make it to the age where she was strong enough to go off. She'd made her decision.

End of Flashback


Age: 200(Human:17)
Nova's P.O.V

Tonight was the night. I was finally going to leave and never come back. Nothing was going to stop me this time. I didn't pack a bag, just wore my leathers and strapped my daggers to me. One obstacle would be sneaking past Bex's room, but maybe not. As I snuck past I heard something coming from his room. It sounded oddly a lot like panicked breathing.

Anyway, I pushed passed it and kept going. Then I heard a pained groan. Alright. I'm going to check on him. My feet packed me back to his room and I opened the door. Bex was on the ground thrashing in pain, sobbing. "Bex!! Bex what's wrong! Bex!!" I ran over to him and pulled his head into my lap. Given all my moms gifts I held a rosy-gold hand to his side. It didn't help anything. "What's happening bex? I can't help you!" The only thing that came out of his mouth was "p-g-ahh-panic—atta——ck—- g-aaah."

I'd seen my friend Danny have one before. "Shh, it's alright Bex. I'm here. Quit thinking about it." Slowly but surely he calmed down. "What was wrong?" He sat up and looked at me, tears in his eyes. "I heard you in your h-head. You were going to leave all of us behind. You know what that'll do to the family. You can't do that!" Tears were coming out of my eyes too. "I'm sorry Bex. I won't leave. I—I'll stay." He got up and mumbled something about a shower and I stood up too. He pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you Nova." That was a tough decision, but one day the time will come.

End of Flashback


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