Going Out

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I cried for maybe 5 minutes. There wasn't even a reason I should have been crying. Maybe it was because I was surprised, maybe it was because it hurt my feelings— No that's not it, it didn't hurt my feelings I know that for sure.

I got up and looked out my window. The sun has just set and the moon was now visible through the thick patches of stars. It was a Friday night so I decided I'd go into Mack's mind, because I have that power, and tell her to meet me at the Rolling Stars, a famous rink in this small town. She would grab Danny on the way because we don't go anywhere without one person. Unless there's an emergency and one can't make it.

Their family never had much money like mine did, so when I went out with them I dressed down to fit in. Money doesn't make friends, they didn't know who I was until five months into our friendships. I wore some thrift clothes that I got from a second hand store in Velaris and threw my hair up in a very fatty ponytail.

I made a plan to sneak out the front, unseen. Mom wouldn't question me, dad wouldn't be too concerned. Bex on the other hand would probably find some way to stop me or embarrass me. But I wouldn't let it bother me. Because I don't care.

I strapped on some Sandals and took out to the front door. I stopped when I heard laughter in one of the living rooms. It's was a combination of four laughs. Damn it, one of them was Bex's. Which could only mean one thing. The sons were in there and I had to walk through it to go outside.

Thanks to all the powers I inherited from my mother, I can shapeshift. It took a little time to think of who to transform into. Then I realized, I could just turn into mom. So then I did so. With a pattern of deep breaths I paced myself forward. I looked at the boys and smiled as I passed. Bex smirked at me. Shit he knows. "Heading out, Mrs. Feyre?" Calls Rueben. By the cauldron, I thought.

"Why yes I am. Just going out on the town for some errands. Won't be long, see you boys later." With that being said I walked right on out of the house and made sure I was a perfect distance away before shifting back.

About half way there I ran into Mack and Danny. "Anything new? Ya know... with the house?" Mack questions carefully. I sighed, "Yea, it's going absolutely freaking well." Danny put a hand on his mouth. "Oh no. What's happening." We started walking to the Rolling Star. "There's a boy there, I'm not saying which, but I'm drawn to him. And it scares me. It's confusing and i don't want to speak anymore about it." Danny and Mack both chuckled. "Ok, we won't ask anymore questions. But..... what's he like?" I didn't answer the question. We just all laughed and continued walking on.

Just The DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon