No Thanks

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I didn't even hear my dad walk up to us because I was trapped between looking at him and trying to keep my thoughts together. "Hey Dad, I just brought him over to see the stars, since I toured around his place." Dad laughed, "Honey, you know I don't care. I would've just liked to of said hello." Seth let out a shuttering breath of a laugh. "Sorry, I'll let you know next time." He walked off and we sat for a little longer.

I was the first to say anything. "It's getting late, don't you think it's time I take you back."  While he was standing up and stretching, I dove off the roof. He let out a yelp. Due to the fact that he though I fell, but I caught myself and flew up back to the roof. He didn't say anything when I got back up. "Stretching." I laughed, he didn't — only said, "You scared me." I continued laughing and replied, "I'm sorry." He grabbed my hand himself which sent a jolt of electricity through me. Then I flew him home. There wasn't much more to it. I just dropped him off, nodded my head and flew off.

Seth's P.O.V

It had been a couple of days since Nova was here for a visit. Mother and Father have tried teasing me about, but I just brushed it off. A couple of the guys wanted me to go out clubbing with them and since they are my friends I agreed. Lennie, one of my good friend, always goes to this one club where there are all kinds of music you can dance to. It's probably one of my favorites too.

I winnowed to meet everyone there. This place was always so crowded because everyone knew who I was by the time I get on the floor to dance. Lennie was accompanied by Marcus and Andrew. "Well Shit, you'd think we'd get a couple minutes of silence or peace and quiet but nope!" Marcus chimed. I don't know how many times I've told them that I can't come here with out people noticing me. Yet they never listen it seems.

Once we get inside there are girls flocking around Marcus and Andrew. I had a hood over my head so no one noticed me yet. We went and sat at the bar and ordered some drinks. Marcus and Lennie order vodka on ice, so average for them. Andrew got Bourbon and I got a strawberry rum. After we were done drinking we entered the floor. I was slow to dance at first but I picked up the pace. Girls started flocking over to us and tried dancing on me, but I pushed them away. "Come on man, what's wrong?" Lennie asked me.

"Nothing, i'm just not interested." I answered him. Andrew rolled his eyes, "What has gotten into you, you usually aren't like this." What do they not understand. "I'm just not in the mood for these girls. Ok?" Marcus sighed, "Alright, Whatever." I walk off the dance floor and then step outside. Lennie comes after me and says, "Dude, What's wrong with you tonight? That isn't like you."

I cleared my throat before answering him, "I've just taken interest on someone and I prefer to stay loyal."  He punched me on the shoulder and teased, "Ahhh! Come on Seth, Who is it?" Chuckling, I answered his question, "It's Nova, The Daughter Of the night Court." Len nodded his head, "Ohhh, that black haired beauty." I only said "Mhm." He didn't answer for a little bit then chirped, "Well, I'm going back inside. You do what you want to." With that being said he left and I went back home.

I was thinking of doing a face reveal at 400 reads, but I'm not so sure. Let me know what you guys think in the comments.

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