Now, Do it Now

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For the rest of the day I had to act as if nothing was wrong. My walls in my mind had the stay up because if Bex were to read my thoughts he would know I was leaving and he would try everything he could to get me to stay. I followed the crowd, we went to the plaza around the middle of town and showed our court to the people who had never been here. During all of this Titus had stayed close to me, I had no idea why.

He didn't try to speak to me, but there was something on his mind. I read that in his head. She's beautiful, anyone would be lucky to have her. Was his main thought. How sweet of him to say that. I might give him a little nudge and be a little flirty, just to make him happy. I turned to him, "You want to go off somewhere? I'm getting bored on this tour of my own place." Titus smiled and looked around the group, "Sure, Where do you have in mind?"

Where I was about to take him, I had taken no friend of mine yet. "Velaris, City of Starlight." He chuckled a bit and so did I. I grabbed his hand and pulled him a bit closer, his pulse jumped up, I felt it with my fingers. We strayed behind the group and I took off into the sky with my wings. Titus had screamed a bit, but he was fine after a little while. "I didn't know it looked so pretty from up here." He said to me. "Yeah, it is, I see it all the time."

It didn't take long for us to reach where we were going, once we got inside I said to Clotho, "Mom and Dad know I'm here. Everything's fine." She nodded and let me carry on with what I was doing. Beside me, Titus had said, "But she Doesn't—-," I cut him off before he could say anything else, "Don't worry about it. Keep quiet." He didn't say anything else until we got up to the sixth floor, my favorite floor.

"You like to read? I never would've expected that from you." I chuckled at his comment, "Of course I like to read, I always have." He moseyed around the shelves and came across a stack of books in the corner. "What are all these over here for?" I walked over beside him and picked up the one kn top and flipped through it. "These are all books I've read the past year." He look shocked, "That many?! Wow..."

I was proud of how many books I had read, I set a goal each year. This year my goal was two hundred and seventy six. I was already at one hundred and forty three. Progress wasn't hard to make since I didn't have much to do with my time anyway. "Yeah, I brought you here so we could have some alone time." His eyes lit up and in his head I could read that he was excited. "What do you plan on doing?" He asked me. "How about we play a game, something like tag. There are many levels to the library."

He seemed happy with my idea, "yea, let's to it." I slapped him in his arm and said, "TAG! YOU'RE IT!" And ran out of the room on the sixth floor. He chased me and I started laughing. Titus started catching up to me, so I jumped over the ledge and used my wings to catch me. "Hey!" He called out. "That's cheating!" I started laughing at him, "really, you want me to fall?" "I drew my wings in and started falling.

I wouldn't let myself fall to my death, but just enough to scare him. "No! Don't do that! Novaaaa!" I caught myself and again and started laughing. Flying back up to him, I stopped right in front of him. "Don't worry, I wouldn't do that." He looked me dead in the eye, "Good. You scared me." After looking into his eyes just a bit longer, I leaned in and kissed him. He was hesitant to pull into it, but he soon did. Once we pulled away, he hit me on my arm and said, "You're it!" Before running away.

Author here! I didn't forget about my story, but school has just started back for me and it was difficult. I'll try my best to start updating it again. Thanks for the very little support. Lol. Anyway, THANKS AND BYE! :)

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