Chapter 29: Dashie's Best Gift Ever

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It was the day before Hearths Warming Eve, Soarin couldn't believe it was almost here again. The days seemed to go by so fast, and he still hadn't found good gifts for Rainbow and his sister. Soarin was rushing through the market, Spitfire and Fleetfoot panting behind him.

"Soarin, the market isn't going to go anywhere, slow down!" Spitfire called, and he skidded to a halt

"Sorry Spits, I just really need to find the perfect gifts for Rainbow and Scoot." Soarin apologized

"What about uth?" Fleetfoot pouted

"I already found you two gifts, and before you ask, no I'm not telling you what they are. You'll have to wait and see." Soarin told her, and Fleetfoot sighed.

"Come on Fleet, we need to find some gifts for Rainbow and Scootaloo too, we might as well keep Soarin company." Spitfire consoled, rubbing her cheek along Fleetfoot's, who suddenly blushed

"Ok." She agreed with a content sigh, leaning into her friend. Suddenly, Rainbow ran right by them, muttering something, then stopped.

"Hey guys, what're you doing here?" Rainbow asked

"Looking for gifts, you?" Soarin asked and Rainbow smiled

"Same. But I already have gifts for you three, don't worry." Rainbow assured them, then, after giving Soarin a quick kiss on the cheek, turned to leave.

"Anyway, I still need to find gifts for my other friends, so I'll see you three later." She said, then left. They saw her later, with her friends, each looking at a piece of paper.

"What's going on?" Soarin asked, walking up after the others had dispersed.

"We were all really stressed about getting gifts for each other, so AJ showed us this tradition she has with her family. We pick names out of a hat, then we only have to get that one pony a present." Rainbow said

"But that doethn't include uth, right?" Fleetfoot asked

"Greedy much Fleet?" Spitfire teased

"Look, a dragon!" Fleetfoot yelled, and Spitfire yelped, then flushed in embarrassment.

"Not funny." She muttered

"No, it doesn't include you guys, Fleet. But I kinda might need your help." Rainbow said

"Why, who'd you get?" Soarin asked, and Rainbow showed them the slip of paper. Fluttershy's cutie mark was drawn there.

"But you and Fluttershy are best friends, this should be easy for you." Spitfire said

"You'd think, but she likes everything! And I mean everything." Rainbow said

"Oh, that could be a problem." Soarin said, then kissed her cheek "But you'll figure it out Dashie, I believe in you." He said, and she blushed.

They saw her again a few hours later, talking with Discord.

"For the last time, I don't need your help Discord. I think I should be able to figure out what my best friend likes." Rainbow was saying

"But if you just let me tag along a little bit, I may be able to help you." Discord said

"No!" Rainbow yelled, taking off, Discord following. Soarin started forward to go after them, but Spitfire held him back.

"Come on Soarin, I know you want to help Rainbow, but we've got to find gifts ourselves." Spitfire said

"Yeah, I guess Rainbow can handle herself." Soarin sighed

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