Chapter 17: Who's the Top Bolt?

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Soarin and Rainbow were talking with each other about what they were going to do during the break. It was after Spring Training, and they all needed to clear out to make room for the newbies that would be coming for Trails Week at the Wonderbolt Academy.

"I'm probably going to stop by the castle to talk about the latest Daring Do book with Twilight, hang out with Fluttershy, and have a sleepover with all of them." Rainbow told Soarin as he placed his flight suit in his locker.

"Meanwhile I'll be here running trials week, you've got it made Rainbow." Spitfire muttered as she passed, rolling her eyes. Soarin laughed

"But Spitfire, you love yelling and blowing your whistle." He commented, and she smiled

"Yeah, I do." Spitfire said, pulling her whistle out of her locker.

"Well, I'm going to be spending the break with Scoot and our Aunts, we're going to have fun." Soarin said, surprised to see Spitfire grimace as he said this.

"What?" He asked her.

"Yeah, um, about that, Soarin, I need you and Fleetfoot here this week. This new batch of newbies aren't really up to scale. I'll need all the help I can get, and Fast Clip is out with a wing injury." Spitfire explained, and Rainbow trotted forwards

"And because you're still shaken about that stuff you told us and don't want to be alone?" Rainbow suggested teasingly, and Spitfire flushed

"Um, that's classified information Crash." She stammered.

"The point is, I need Fleet and Soarin here." Spitfire said, and Soarin sighed

"Ok, I'll stay here, but I have to tell my Aunts first." He responded

"I can tell them for you Soarin, I'm heading down there anyway, I'll see you later." Rainbow said, kissing his cheek gently before placing her saddlebag on her back and flying off, waving goodbye. Later, while Soarin was helping to set up the obstacle course, he flew past the new recruits doing laps and was surprised to see Rainbow and her friend Princess Twilight talking to Spitfire on the ground. He landed and joined the three mares.

"Hey Rainbow, welcome Princess Twilight." He greeted

"What are you doing back here so soon Rainbow?" Spitfire asked

"Official friendship business." Rainbow explained

"Have you two noticed any pony having trouble with their friends?" Twilight asked, and Spitfire shook her head

"No, it's not my job to worry about their relationships. I'm their drill sergeant, not their best friend. I'm here to make them elite flyers." She explained, and Soarin grinned, deciding to tease her a little.

"Not that she doesn't have friends, right Spits?" He asked, nudging her in the sides. Spitfire rolled her eyes and pushed Soarin away from her

"I told you not to call me that." She muttered

"Are you two having trouble with your own friendship?" Twilight asked

"No, I just like teasing her a little, Fleetfoot does it too, she's just helping some other recruits right now. We find that as our captain, Spitfire needs to be taken down a few notches." Soarin explained, and Rainbow snickered.

"Oh, well, let us know if you see anything." Twilight said, and Spitfire nodded, turning back to the recruits circling overhead.

"Ugh. Their technique is all over the place." Soarin heard Rainbow mutter

"You should tell them," Twilight responded back, "I'm sure they'd appreciate the tips from a professional." But Rainbow shook her head

"Nah, I wouldn't want to mess with their confidence." She told her friend

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