Chapter 16 : The Tragic Tale of Spitfire Flare

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Before reading, note this chapter has mentions of child abuse. ~Melody Song

A few months later, the Wonderbolts were celebrating Spitfire's birthday, May 15th. They were all laughing and talking as music from a record player issued from it in the background.

"This is the best party ever!" High Winds exclaimed, but Rainbow, who overhead, simply shrugged.

"Pinkie's thrown better." She said, and Surprise looked up.

"So, she's like, a master party planner? I want to meet her so bad!" Surprise squealed happily, and Rainbow shifted uncomfortably

"Well, I guess you could come to Ponyville next break." She suggested.

"Yes!" Surprise practically shouted. They were all having fun, but Soarin suddenly noticed that the birthday girl had disappeared. Soarin went into the captain's office to find her hunched over some papers. Spitfire looked up upon his entry

"Oh, hey Soarin, did you need something?" She asked

"Um, yeah, why aren't you at the party celebrating with us? It's your birthday." He answered, and Spitfire sighed, looking out the window instead of responding to him

"Oh, I'm just not in the mood for a party right now." Spitfire told him, and Soarin arched an eyebrow

"But you were the one who gave us the day off so we could have a party for you." He retorted.

"I don't want to talk about it Soarin, ok? Just leave me alone." Spitfire said, her voice rising. Soarin thought it was best to leave before Spitfire started yelling.

After returning to the party, Soarin told Fleetfoot and Rainbow about his conversation with Spitfire.

"That doeth thound weird for Thpitfire." Fleetfoot agreed, and Rainbow looked concerned

"You don't think something could be wrong? Do you?" She asked

"I don't know, maybe we should find out." Soarin responded, and the three trotted down the hall into Spitfire's office.

"What do you three want?" Spitfire asked as they came in

"To check on you, we were worried." Fleetfoot responded, and Spitfire rolled her eyes

"I already told Soarin, I'm fine, I just wanted to be alone for a little while, ok?" Spitfire said, but Soarin could tell she didn't mean it.

"Spitfire, cut the act, what's going on?" Soarin asked, as the other Wonderbolts came up. After they had noticed that their Co-Captain, Captain, Fleetfoot, and Rainbow had left, they went to look for them.

"Nothing, I just wanted a quick break from the party, that's all." Spitfire insisted

"Yeah, I'm no Element of Honesty, but I'm pretty sure you're lying." Rainbow said

"Well you're wrong, what I'm saying is the truth." Spitfire objected, standing up at her desk. As Spitfire got up, something fell out of her lap.

"She must have been looking at it before we came in." Soarin thought to himself as Spitfire bent to pick it up. Rainbow was to fast for her though, and snatched it up off the ground.

"Hey! Give that to me right now Crash!" Spitfire yelled, as the other Wonderbolts moved closer around her.

"Not if it helps explain what's going on with you." Rainbow said, then showed them what it was. A framed picture of a colt and what had to be Spitfire when she was younger. Her mane wasn't in a flame-like style then, it just hung around her face, and was actually quite long. The Spitfire in the picture was very young, probably about four or five. The colt in the picture had to be about a year older than Spitfire, and he looked almost exactly like her. The only difference was that his coat was a bit darker, a shade of red.

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