Chapter 13 : Too Many Pranks Later

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Soarin, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot were flying down to Ponyville when they heard a scream, and flew towards it. They found Fluttershy curled up in Discord's arms, crying as Rainbow hovered near them, clouds on her hooves and twigs in her mane, doubled over with laughter.

"Rainbow Dash, you scared me!" Fluttershy sobbed

"Aww come on Fluttershy, it was a harmless prank, and it's funny." Rainbow objected, shaking herself to get everything off.

"I'm warning you Rainbow Dash, if you hurt Fluttershy again, I will make sure you pay." Discord threatened, clenching his fist at her, before hugging Fluttershy and disappearing.

"She's too easy." Rainbow muttered "I didn't even use my best prank!" Rainbow called out.

"He can't hear you Dash." Spitfire said

"Says who?" Discord's voice came from out of nowhere, and Fleetfoot screamed, grabbing onto Spitfire. "Now that's how you prank ponies Rainbow Dash, be warned, I will get my revenge." Discord's voice said, then the woods fell silent once again.

"That's not even scary." Rainbow said, then turned to them "I mean, no offense to you Fleetfoot, I know you're just not used to Discord's tricks, but I mean, I could do better." Rainbow explained

"How?" Spitfire asked

"Well, I could-what's that!" Rainbow yelled, pointing at something behind them. The three ponies turned, seeing nothing

"That's not a prank Rainbow." Spitfire objected, but when they turned back, Rainbow had gone.

"Ditching uth? How ith that a prank?" Fleetfoot called out, then, they heard a loud roar from the undergrowth.

"That sounds like a Timberwolf." Soarin said, backing up, when suddenly, the branches of a nearby tree grabbed him, and he cried out in fear. Fleetfoot and Spitfire hugged each other, as the sound of clawed feet making their way towards them grew louder. All three screamed, then, they heard laughter. Rainbow came out of the woods, still laughing.

"How did you do that?" Spitfire asked

"I already know how to roar like a Timberwolf-long story-I used some broken branches to make the paw steps, and moved those branches when Soarin backed up." Rainbow explained, helping Soarin out of the tree "Sorry about that guys, but all are fair game in the art of pranking." She told them, and they flew into town.

"Actually, that wath kind of funny, the way we were thcared." Fleetfoot said, giggling, and the others nodded, beginning to laugh. The next day, Rainbow came out of the Friendship Castle, muttering about "Showing them" and Soarin knew somehow that it couldn't be good. Sure enough, Rainbow began pranking with more viciousness than before, getting every pony in town. Soarin, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot approached Princess Twilight to see if she knew why. They found her talking with Starlight Glimmer and asked her.

"We talked with Rainbow about her pranking style, we keep telling her that not every pony thinks her pranks are funny, and she thought it was a challenge, because of the way Rarity chose to phrase the way she said a few things. Now she's not taking the time to see who likes pranks, and who doesn't." Princess Twilight explained

"We need to stop her somehow." Applejack commented, coming up behind them with Fluttershy

"This is worse than when she an' Pinkie started that prankin' spree, remember?" She asked Twilight, who jumped up

"Pinkie Pie! That's it! If there's one pony who can outdo Rainbow in pranks, it's Pinkie!" Twilight said, as the pink mare bounced up.

"Sorry Twilight, I hate to say it, but we're pretty evenly matched in a prank war." Pinkie said

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