Chapter 23 : Birthday Fever

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A few months later, Soarin woke and broke into a grin. It was his birthday today. Soarin flew out of his room at his Aunt's place, then found Aunt Lofty, Aunt Holiday, and Scootaloo in the kitchen, singing happy birthday.

"Thanks Aunt Lofty, Aunt Holiday, sis!" Soarin said, swinging Scootaloo up into his hooves and onto his back, then hugging his Aunts.

"Happy Birthday Soarin, we love you." Lofty said, squeezing him tight.

Later that day, Soarin flew to Rainbow's house, where she was waiting outside her home.

"Hey Dashie, ready to go for a birthday fly with me?" Soarin asked, smiling

"I was, but I had a better idea. Come with me." Rainbow took his hoof and pulled him inside, "What are we doing?" Soarin asked

"You've never had a birthday with me before, all you've done is, well, hang out. You have the right, I mean, because we're dating, but I want you to be happy on your birthday because it's your birthday, not happy that I'm your girlfriend. I'm going to be your birthday date, but only if you want me to-achoo!" Rainbow sneezed into her foreleg

"Dashie, I think you might have a cold." Soarin suggested gently

"I don't get colds; besides, a cold can't get in the way of what's going to be your best birthday ever." Rainbow objected, holding out a piece of blue string to him "Just follow the string." She told him

"What?" Soarin asked.

Soarin was very confused

"My parents used to do this with me when I was little, here." Rainbow passed the string to Soarin, who took it and followed the trail into the living room. "I've got big plans, tons of surprises for today. Nothing, no nothing's gonna get in the way." Rainbow told him, revealing that when the string went under a couch cushion, it was hiding a present.

The gift was a beautiful gold watch, it had a blue face, with yellow lightning-shaped hands. Rainbow slipped it over Soarin's hoof.

"I've worked for weeks, done everything to get this prepared. I even went shopping for like, two hours!" Rainbow exclaimed, and Soarin laughed

He traced the string into the hallway in-between the kitchen and the living room. Soarin next found some hoofball collecting cards on a table in the hallway.

"Today I'm giving you the sun, the moon, and the sky-achoo!" Rainbow sniffled as Soarin looked up, nosing her gently, but she pushed him ahead of her, continuing on with the string game.

They next went into the kitchen

"I'm making today a perfect day for you." Rainbow said, gesturing to the string resting under a pie tin.

"Pie!" he exclaimed, hugging Rainbow quickly before running to it. Rainbow laughed at Soarin, and guided him after the string.

"I'm making today a blast if it's the last thing I do. For everything you are to me, and all you've been through, I'm making today a perfect day for you!" they laughed together as Soarin followed the string to the second floor. "Achoo! Achoo!" Rainbow sneezed as they climbed the stairs

"They come in threes." Soarin commented

"I'll be fine-achoo!" Rainbow responded, the string leading into Rainbow's bedroom. "Here, this one is specially-achoo!" Rainbow sneezed again as she passed him a pair of new flight goggles.

"Dashie, this is all really great, but I'm still concerned for you." Soarin told her, setting the goggles and collecting cards down. "I think it's time you get some rest." He gestured to the bed, but Rainbow pulled him after the string

Scootaloo's BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora