Chapter 11 : Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt

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Soarin could hardly believe it when Spitfire told him the news. That his Dashie was going to be a Wonderbolt! The next day was going to be her first day, and Soarin could hardly sleep with excitement for her. The next morning, Rainbow arrived while Soarin was changing into his flight suit. Soarin then went outside and talked with Wave Chill and the Streak Twins while Spitfire showed Rainbow around the Headquarters. Soarin then heard a crash and ran to investigate, the Streak Twins and Wave Chill behind him. Soarin saw Rainbow pulling herself up from a pile of trash cans.

"Dash, you forgot the number one rule: always look both ways before crossing the runway." Spitfire said sternly

"Yes ma'am." Rainbow muttered, and Misty Fly laughed

"Rainbow Dash? Try Rainbow Crash!" she exclaimed, doubling over in laughter. The other Wonderbolts joined in with the laughing, all except Soarin, who stared at her in concern. The other Wonderbolts all walked away, still laughing loudly.

"Yeah, nice going, Rainbow Crash." Misty Fly said again, flying off amid new cries of laughter. Soarin trotted over and brushed some trash off Rainbow's mane.

"So, lousy first day so far, huh?" he asked

"Not just lousy, this is awful!" Rainbow said, eyes watering, she threw herself at Soarin, hugging him. Soarin hugged back

"It's not so bad Dashie, every pony here's got a Wonderbolt nickname. Mine's Clipper, cause' I clipped my wing on a flagpole my first day." Rainbow giggled, pressing into him.

"Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing, but it's not as bad as some of the other's nicknames. You'll have to ask them about their own nicknames though." Soarin said, smiling, and Rainbow pulled away.

"I should go get cleaned up, thanks Soarie, see you later." She told him, kissing Soarin's cheek before trotting away. Later, during practice, Soarin noticed that whenever Spitfire or one of the others referred to Rainbow as 'Rainbow Crash' she'd visibly flinch, and sometimes mess up whatever stunt she was doing. It was no surprise that Rainbow was the one who had to clean up the compound that evening, though Soarin hung back to talk to her.

"Dashie, I already told you about the Wonderbolt nicknames, why are you letting this bother you so much?" Soarin asked, helping Rainbow pick up some things left on the floor of the compound.

"You wouldn't understand Soarin, I know you'd try to, but unless you were there, you wouldn't." Rainbow sighed, picking up the mop and moving it around on the floor.

"Oh Dashie, if it's bothering you this much, then say something." He told her.

"I can't, not without explaining myself, and it's embarrassing." Rainbow explained

"Then, well, I guess I can ask them to lay off the name calling. As Co-Captain, they might listen to me." Soarin responded, trying to find some way to help her.

"Why do you even care Soarin? They don't seem to." Rainbow muttered, and Soarin ran his hoof through her mane.

"Because I know you're a great flyer, and that if they're messing with your confidence, they won't get a chance to see how awesome you are." Soarin answered, kissing the top of her head.

"Ok Soarin, I guess you can try, love you." Rainbow said, kissing his cheek.

"You coming to the sleeping quarters?" Soarin asked

"Yeah, I'm almost done, be there in a bit." Rainbow responded, smiling at him. The next day, Soarin did tell his friends that they'd had their fun, but maybe they should stop calling Rainbow 'Rainbow Crash' for a little while.

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