Finale: What If?

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"Soarin! Soarin Soarin Soarin come quick come quick come quick!!!!"

Soarin fell out of his seat at the table in shock at his sister's frantic shouts. Ignoring Holiday and Lofty's laughter, he ran over, crashing into Scootaloo as she ran over.

"Scoot! What's wrong?!"

"Nothing!" Scootaloo was waving a postcard. "Look!!"

Soarin took the postcard and read it, his eyes widening. "They're-what?!"

"They're coming back!!" Scootaloo exclaimed, hugging him.

"Mom and dad are back!" Soarin joined in, hugging her.

"What's going on?" Holiday walked over.

"Aunt Holiday, Auntie Lof-"

"Well, it's gonna have to wait until next time, sorry squirt." Lofty told Scootaloo, ruffling her mane. "If we don't leave now we'll miss our train."


"Now Soarin, remember to mind your sister while we're gone." Holiday told him.

"I know Aunt Holiday." Soarin said, smiling at his sister.

"Since we all know you can't cook, we left you plenty of food." Lofty said, gently teasing Soarin, who pouted. "And I left you some cookies." She added, making both siblings smile.

"We'll see you in a couple of weeks then. Have fun!" Holiday said, smiling at them as they left.

"Soarin, we didn't get to tell them!" Scootaloo exclaimed as the two mares left.

"It's okay Scoot, I'm sure mom and dad will want to pay them a visit." Soarin reassured her.

"I guess you're right. And mom and dad are finally coming home! We'll get to tell them all about the CMC, and my cutie mark, and your Co-Captain job, and... and... everything!"

"Heh, yeah, seems like it." Soarin smiled as he set the postcard down on the table. "We haven't seen them in a while. You were, what? Seven last time they visted?"

"Sounds about right." Scootaloo hugged him. "I can't wait to see them again."

"Me either."

Scootaloo then smirked. "Are you gonna introduce them to your girlfrieeeend?"

Soarin blushed furiously and glared at her. "Scooooot!"

"Whaaat?" Scootaloo booped his nose, then ran down the hall. "You wanna tease back you better catch me!"

"Get back here!" Soarin laughed, chasing her. The two siblings filled the house with laughter, chasing each other in delight. They were finally going to see their parents again.


Soon enough, the big day came. Soarin was with Rainbow, flying above the school house, when he spotted a cage outside. His eyes widened, and Rainbow looked over.

"Soar? What's up?"

"You'll see, come on!" Soarin grabbed her hoof and pulled her down, landing just in time for them to see a pegasus and earth pony wrestling a small cragadile back into the cage.

"Woah!" Rainbow exclaimed. Soarin chuckled, then decided to blow her mind even more.

"Mom! Dad!" Soarin flew over and hugged them as they locked the cage.

"Soarin!" the earth pony hugged him, and he laughed. "How ya doin' kiddo?"

"Dad, I'm not a colt anymore." Soarin blushed, as the stallion ruffled his mane.

Scootaloo's BrotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon