Chapter 21 : We Are Family

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Soarin was with Rainbow and the other Wonderbolts in Ponyville, and they were talking and laughing at Sugarcube Corner.

"Oh, and what about when Rapidfire tripped over Misty Fly while she was doing wing-ups? They turned so red I thought they were going to explode!" High Winds said, and they all laughed as Pinkie Pie bounded up to them.

"Hey guys, just overheard that, it sounds really funny!" Pinkie said, giggling

"Oh, hey Pinkie." Rainbow greeted, smiling at her friend.

"Hey, did you guys know Rainbow actually didn't think she could learn Wonderbolt History, and Twilight had to help her study? That was an epic fail, until we figured out a method that would work." Pinkie said, chatting with them as though she'd been a part of the conversation since it started.

"Well, what worked?" Sun Chaser asked

"It turns out that while Rainbow's flying, she's also absorbing information about what's going on around her, though she doesn't realize it, so that's how we helped her." Pinkie explained

"Cool, I didn't know that was possible!" Blaze exclaimed, but Rainbow shrugged

"Flying's not just flying, I've picked up a few things over the years." She responded coolly.

"Well, also, I wanted to ask you if you kinda see yourselves as like a big family, I mean, you all live together most of the year, but do you just tolerate each other, or, like, care about each other?" Pinkie asked, and Soarin frowned. He knew the answer in his mind, but did the others feel the same way? Luckily, the other Wonderbolts all smiled

"We care about each other, yeah, I guess we are kind of a big family." Spitfire spoke for all of them.

"But no family is perfect, so we disagree sometimes." Soarin added

"That's cool, I have three sisters and we used to fight only once in a while. But Maud and Marble are kinda quiet, so that might explain it." Pinkie said, then bounded away to help some other ponies. They were all flying around together later that day, laughing and talking with each other.

"Some ponies might say we're not normal, but I think we're just awesome flyers who need to be noticed. We're more than just flight suits, we have feelings, personalities, and quirks. We are one big family, and we're the only ones who know about each other's personalities that are under the flight goggles." Soarin thought to himself, smiling.

"Hey, you know we're not all ordinary, but we're still close as we can be!" Surprise exclaimed

"Yeah, I mean; Spitfire has her 'Phoenix State', Fleetfoot has her lisp, Rainbow's got an ego, Soarin has a weird addiction to apple pie; but we love each other!" Sun Chaser responded, smiling, then ducking as Spitfire swatted her for saying this. High Winds began to sing

"We are/we are/not your ordinary/fami-mily/but we can all agree that/we are/we are/Close as close can be! /" She exclaimed, and Blaze took over

"So it don't matter what it looks like/we look perfect to me/we got every kind of love/I feel so lucky indeed/they can keep on talking/It don't matter to me/" The mares then all sang

"We are/we are/family/we are/" The stallions then began the backup, with

"(We are)/" "We are (We are)/we are (We are)/" Then Soarin smiled as they sang together once more.

"We are/we are/family/family/family/we are/we are/family/" Spitfire then flew forwards and began singing

"So what? /we don't look/we don't act/we don't walk/we don't talk/like you do/" She sang, Fleetfoot looped a foreleg around her best friend and sang next

"So what? /If we hang, just to hang/ain't no shame/we gon' do what we want to!/" She finished, and Misty Fly added in her own verse

"Cause we come from everywhere/searching for ones who care/somehow we found it here/we found us a home/" They sang together again

"We are/we are/not your ordinary/fami-mily/but we can all agree that/we are/we are/Close as close can be!/" Sun Chaser took up Blaze's original part of their creation

"So it don't matter what it looks like/we look perfect to me/we got every kind of love/I feel so lucky indeed/" Surprise laughed and sang loudly

"They can keep on talking/It don't matter to me cause/We are/we are/family" Rapidfire then sang

"Okay/so the links in our chains/make us strange but really they make us stronger/and I/wouldn't replace not a thing/mother or father/Cause we.../" He turned to the others, and the Streak Twins added to it.

"Cause we come from everywhere/searching for ones who care/somehow we found it here/we found us a home/" he twins sang Soarin led the stallions in the chorus

"We are/we are/not your ordinary/fami-mily/but we can all agree that/we are/we are/Close as close can be..." They all sang together

"So it don't matter what it looks like/we look perfect to me/we got every kind of love/I feel so lucky indeed/they can keep on talking/It don't matter to me/" The mares sang alone then

"We are/we are/family/" The stallions couldn't keep silent, though

"(Family)/" They sang, and they all finished the song

"We are/we are/family." They stopped singing and Spitfire grinned.

"Well, that about sums it up." Soarin burst outlaughing, along with Rainbow, and then the others.

The song is We Are by Keke Palmer, and i thought it really explained the Wonderbolt's relationship with each other. they are a group of fliers who love each other like siblings (the only exceptions are for each one's crush) and act like siblings. and yes, Soarin's description of what the Wonderbolts really are is my own thoughts on them (in response to Commander Firebrand's multiple rants on the subject). By the way, Spitfire's Phoenix State? i made it up, and i'll go into more detail in a later chapter.

~Melody Song

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