He nodded again.

"Did you find anything good?"

"Yeah," He spoke hesitantly," I uh found a few good things."

"Remember don't go overboard. You have been doing good, laying low about your family." I explained as I pulled out my phone.

"Yeah I know, it's just. I found this amazing-"

"No." I interjected, a smirk on my face.


"Don't Archer."

He was silent again.

"Look man, I know this is hard for you. Hell it's hard for me too and you know damn well why." I snapped slightly," There is a lot for us to consider, ok?"

"Yeah, just... She has been wanting this for a while but she can't get it for herself. Just let me do this one thing. I'll send it after we leave. Please?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as I bit the inside of my lip," Alright, alright. Fine." I raised my hands in defeat and smiled faintly," After we leave."

A smile formed on his face and he nodded happily as he pulled out his phone," Ok, then for Christmas I'll choose something cheaper then."

"So, back to packing."I chuckled ,"Are your parents doing anything.... drastic?"I sighed.

Archer's smile faltered at the thought,"Yeah... Yeah they are."

"Well then, no worries about checking in our bags then." I scoffed and kicked his leg gently.

"Nope." He chuckled and shook his head, a humorless one but one none the less.

I sighed," Why is this harder than it has to be?"

Archer sighed as well and looked up at me," Because, this has been more like home than Australia."

Chuckling slightly I nodded," You've got that one right mate."

The door opened harsh to the house and Angie along with a limping Euca came through. Archer shot up and was by her side.

"What the hell happened?"

"She pulled a muscle in her leg while trying to do Blood Sweat and Tears." Angie sighed, allowing Archer to take Euca.

Archer tsked soft and picked her up gently, avoiding irritating the pulled muscle any further.

"Don't you tsk me." Euca sighed as she clung to him.

Archer chuckled and shook his head," How many times do you have to pull muscles for your body to realize that you cannot practice that hard?"

"Another dozen or so..." She sighed, wincing as he set her down on the couch.

"I'll get the Ace Wrap." I smiled and stood.

"Don't forget the muscle relaxers." Angie sighed.

The other youngers trailing in after her and Euca. They all looked fairly worn out and tired from the long day that they had just suffered.

Once I got back with the medication and the bandages, the girls were all gathered in the living room. Tired and falling asleep from the strain they had been putting on their bodies, all to get home as soon as possible to be with Archer and I.

I swear, these girls are amazing for sure. To push themselves this far in order to spend small bits of time with us before we have to leave is amazing.

Handing the bandages over to Angie, she carefully tended to her injured elder. I smiled and shook my head slightly, taking my place beside the girls. Slowly but surely they all began to fall asleep, although trying desperately to stay awake with Archer and I.

"Knock Knock." Joseph whispered as he and Duke walked into the house.

I waved slightly and we made our way out into the back to avoid disturbing the girls.

"Man can you believe that you two are going to be gone in a couple of weeks now?" Joseph sighed, leaning his elbows on his knees.

Duke was silent, leaned back in his seat staring up at the sky.

"Something the matter?" Archer asked him.

Duke scoffed," When exactly were you going to tell us about your family fortune?"

Archer and I froze and stared at him with wide eyes.

Duke smiled faint," Look mate, I wont say anything to them but still. You could've told us."

Archer sighed, rubbing the back of his neck he replied," I don't like the fact that I'm the son of a multi millionaire. I like just being me."

Duke nodded," I get that, you need to see which like you for who you are not by how much your family makes."

Archer nodded and looked at the glass plated door," Just don't tell the girls."

"You've got my word."

"And mine."

"But, quick question." Duke sighed," How are you going to hide the fact that you are bloody rich if your parents send you your own plane?"

Archer sighed and shrugged," I honestly haven't the slightest clue. "

It was quiet for a moment as we all processed what had just happened. Duke and Joseph now knew who Archer was, and we all agreed not to tell the girls a word about it. Even though the plane and all would just be for the two of us, plus if his family so decides to tag along with us from there to here and back again.

It seems now more than ever that our time was wearing dangerously thin with them. We could all sense it, both Euca and Angie grew more clingy to us as the days passed by, not that Archer and I minded at all, but we knew these girls just as well as they knew us. They knew that this was most likely the last time in a long while that we would be together and they want to make the most of it.

The sands of time were running out for us and we can't do anything about that, there is no way to stop it. No way to make it stand still even if just a moment. That just aren't how things work. No matter how hard we wish, or how hard we may try, we just have to wait until someone flips the timer again and hope that it is more than the last. 

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