"Yeah she's something isn't she?" Louis said smiling. I let out a laugh happy that he noticed it too and it wasn't just me.

"So...how did everything go after you left last night?" he asked casually, avoiding eye contact.

"Good...I mean, nothing happened Lou."

I could've sworn I saw his face light up a little, "Oh, well yeah, cool."

"I had..I had another nightmare though..I couldn't sleep."

His face grew serious as his eyebrows knit together, "Why didn't you call me?"

"Guys?" Danielle's soft voice interrupted as she and Liam walked up towards the door. I hadn't noticed that Louis and I were still outside. He seemed to always make me forget where I was....


"Huh? What?"

Liam and Danielle started laughing as Louis grabbed my hand and led me inside, "You were daydreaming again love."

I blushed and smiled at him, feeling my whole arm tingle by his touch.

"So I guess we won't be playing any video games. This one here forgot them at his house." Niall said rolling his eyes as he nudged Zayn.

"I'm sorry! I forgot it was my turn to bring them!" he put his hands up in surrender.


"Good going."

"Guys leave him alone.."

"I want to beat Demi's high score though!"

"Oh so that's what this is about!"

The doorbell rang but no one seemed to hear as they kept going.

"It wasn't intentional! I didn't forget on purpose!"

"Is this because I accidentally broke your mirror last week?"

"You did what!?"


"...it...it wasn't intentional.."

"I'm going to kill you!"


I sighed and stood, "I guess I'll be getting it then!"

I heard their voices keep at it as I walked to the front door and opened it. Harry smiled when he saw me and pulled me into a gentle hug, "Good to see you again."

"You too Hazza." I smiled back and led him inside.

When he saw the group arguing he sighed, "How long?"

"About five minutes."


"Zayn forgot the games."


I glanced over and Danielle who had her eyes closed as she rubbed her temples. Andrea blankly stared at Niall, giving him the 'Sometimes I just don't know why' look. Poor Eleanor looked scared as her eyes jumped from boy to boy. Niall stood next to Louis with his arms crossed, shaking his head at every defensive comeback Zayn gave him. Louis of course found amusement in all of this, no one could mistake the smile that was about to escape his lips at any second. Liam was smiling standing between Zayn and Louis, he knew it wasn't a real fight, it never was.

"Now, I would ask you to get me a drink, but I'm afraid you might forget!" Niall said, causing a faint laugh to leave Harry's lips.

"I'm surprised you haven't eaten it all!"

"That makes no sense, how do you eat a drink?"

"Kevin can eat a drink."

"You miss him don't you?"


"Who cares about Kevin?! This is a serious time of need!"

"How dare you say that about him!"

"It's okay Lou, it's okay."

"I am offended on the behalf of Kevin."

"EVERYONE SHUT UP ALREADY!" That one came from me. All the boys stopped and turned, wide eyed.

"He started it." Niall cocked his head towards Zayn who returned in response with a death glare, "Don't think I've forgotten about that mirror."

"Boys!" Andrea called out, making them both focus on her, "Shut the hell up and listen to Demi."

They both turned their attention on me as I rolled my eyes and giggled, "There is a way we can solve this. Why don't we just play a regular game? Like charades or something?"

"That sounds like a great idea!" Danielle stood, grabbing Liam's hand and pulling him away from the boys.

The rest of the group nodded, accept for Niall, of course, "Sure, but can we play something else? You know what happens when I play charades.."

"I think I still have a scar." Harry frowned, rubbing his head.

"Fine, yes. We can play something else. Any suggestions?"

No one spoke up.

"Com'on nothing?"

I glanced over and Eleanor who leaned in and started to whisper inLouis ear.

No. Not going to happen.

"Eleanor? Did you have an idea?" I asked, breaking them apart and smiling to myself.

She glanced at Louis who smiled and nodded.

"I was thinking we could play truth or dare."


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