Stay With Me P.43 (Markyong)💖

Start from the beginning

But that is a tale for another time, for at this moment, within the dimly lit practice room, Mark and Donghyuck discovered the strength that lies in vulnerability and the power of finding comfort in one another. Together, they would navigate the turbulent journey that awaited them, bound not only by their shared dreams but also by the unbreakable bond of friendship.


As their friendship deepened, Taeyong couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy deep within his heart. He had unknowingly become possessive of Mark, expecting him to rely solely on him for guidance and support. But now, Donghyuck had stepped into that role, becoming Mark's confidant and a source of solace during their shared struggles.

Taeyong couldn't deny the bond that had formed between Mark and Donghyuck. They laughed together, leaned on each other during difficult times, and shared secrets that were kept hidden from the rest of the world. Their camaraderie was undeniable, and Taeyong found himself becoming increasingly aware of the gap that was forming between him and Mark. But what truly stirred the embers of jealousy within Taeyong's heart was the way Donghyuck playfully teased Mark, using their close friendship to fuel the Markhyuck ship that fans adored. Donghyuck would purposely create moments on camera, exchanging playful glances or engaging in silly antics, knowing the effect it would have on their passionate fanbase.

Taeyong, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but feel a twinge of bitterness. It seemed as though Donghyuck had effortlessly captured a side of Mark that Taeyong had yet to fully uncover. He had always held the belief that he knew Mark better than anyone else, but Donghyuck's presence had shattered that illusion, leaving Taeyong feeling vulnerable and insecure.


In the midst of a Kick It-era performance, Taeyong found himself seeking solace in Johnny's comforting presence once again. His voice trembled with a mixture of frustration and longing as he confided in his fellow member.

"Johnny, I don't understand why I feel this way," Taeyong admitted, his voice laced with confusion. "I'm supposed to be Mark's guiding light, his mentor. But lately, it feels like there's someone else who understands him in a way that I can't. It's... it's eating away at me."

Johnny listened attentively, his eyes filled with empathy. He understood the complexities of human emotions, especially when they were entwined with the dynamics of a close-knit group like NCT 127. He offered a gentle smile, knowing the weight of Taeyong's struggle.

"Taeyong, it's natural for relationships to evolve and change over time," Johnny reassured, his voice carrying a soothing tone. "Mark and Donghyuck have found solace in each other during a time when they both needed it the most. That doesn't diminish the connection you share with Mark, but rather, it's a testament to the strength of their bond."

The words struck a chord within Taeyong's heart, slowly unraveling the layers of his jealousy and insecurities. It was a reminder that the dynamics of their group were built on a foundation of trust and support. Instead of viewing Donghyuck's presence as a threat, Taeyong began to see it as an opportunity to deepen his understanding of Mark and to grow as a leader.


Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now