7: The Story of Salad

Start from the beginning

"I am taking it as a no. Then what happened?"

"I don't know if I should share this information or not but she didn't eat her food and her stomach growled just some time ago and now she is in the washroom."

"Fuck you Jimin."

"What did I do now?"

"I literally want to slap you right now. She obviously doesn't like salad and was hungry as heck. You just had one work and you mess every shit up."

"How can you say that?

"I am a girl and besides, being a girl who loves food, by what you have said, she probably hates it. I don't think she will even give a chance to you after all this."

"What the hell?"

"I am seriously so done with you. If you were giving a test in it, you would get a score---"

"Zero? I will get zero scores?"

"No, you will get a big fat -100 because at this point even zero is good. I am tired of you. Why do I have to be the matchmaker?"

"So, is the mission--?"

"FAILED" She shouted and hung up. Jimin sighed. "Maths is easier than this."


"Miss Kim, I didn't hear anything. I promise."

"Miss Kim, it's okay. It's normal. You don't need to be embarrassed."

"Miss Kim, You should just be yourself. It's fine----"

"Fuck, I can't say this!", Jimin sighed. He had returned to his office after finishing lunch but Miss Kim was nowhere to be found since that incident. He wanted to make sure that she would be fine but he was doing a terrible job at it. Park Jimin, use your literature skills here.

"Hey, we are all homo sapiens. And our stomach sometimes betrays us by acting up. But don't you worry. Because it's perfectly fine. If it makes you feel better, my stomach can growl too. But how? For that, I need to be hungry. So, I should go on a starving session then? Shit no. Fuck. I can't."

He ended his internal monologue by putting his palm on his forehead. I suck at this.

He wanted to ask for help from Areum but she would again make a fuss, telling that how he was doing the worst job ever. At least he was trying.

He got out of his office to see if she had arrived but her desk was empty. He walked to the employees' section quietly.

The sound of laughter and people talking noisily filled his ears. What reckless behavior. I have a soundproof room doesn't mean that they can gossip all day.

Before he entered the room, he saw a female employee walking in the middle of the room with her phone. She seemed like she had just arrived after making a call.

"Who was that Chaeyeon?", A female worker asked looking at her with an amazed expression.

"My boyfriend.", She said shyly.


"We are just going out for dinner tonight. I can't wait to have Samgyeopsal of that famous local restaurant!"

"Samgyeopsal? Of that place of that famous Ahjumma? It is the best food in entire Korea, I bet on that!"

"Yes! We had to make a reservation two days ago. It's so packed all day that we can't even get a foot inside."

"My mouth is watering. I would say take me with you but enjoy the date."

They ended the conversation. Jimin heard this all and he stepped inside the room. Quickly, all the chattering, the laughter died down and everyone looked frozen. Within a second, there was pin-drop silence in the room.

Jimin cleared his throat. "Seems like you all are really active. Maybe you would like to work extra hours?"

"No No Sir, we are doing fine.", A manager chimed in and Jimin shot him a strict glance. The man immediately shut up.

He walked to the desk of Chaeyeon who was talking about that restaurant earlier.

"Good afternoon Mr. Park", She said.

"Good afternoon."

"Sir, do you need anything?"

"No, you were talking about a restaurant with that staff earlier?"

"No No Sir! I promise! Please don't fire me! I won't act recklessly like that again!"

"It's alright. Can you tell me where that restaurant is?"

"Huh?", Her eyes widened.

"But why do you need the location of a local restaurant? You always go to that expensive five-star ---I am sorry Sir! I will tell you.", She quickly replied.

"Good.", Jimin nodded.


I returned from a long walk I had used to calm myself down. God how will I face Mr. Park. This is the worst day ever.

I can't believe my stomach decided to act at the wrong time. How will I face him?

I cursed myself and walked to my desk tiptoeing.

"Thank god, he isn't out.", I exhaled and seated myself on the chair.

"Huh? What is this?", I noticed a bag lying on the desk.

I took it out and opened the box. Inside there was fresh Samgyeopsal. The delicious smell of Samgyeopsal filled my nose and I felt hungry.

I quickly took one bite and then, I noticed a note attached to it by the side.

"Miss Kim, I know you might not have liked what had happened. Knowing you, you are probably cursing yourself. But it's alright. You don't need to be embarrassed. It's normal and you need to be more open to me. If you don't like salad, then it's fine. Next time, we go out, I will make sure that you will have a nice meal. For now, take this one."

Mr. Park

I smiled reading the note. I looked at the window of his office and was surprised to see him staring at me.

He gave a bright smile and nodded. I smiled from ear to ear and mouthed, "Thank you, Mr. Park". He gave a thumbs up and I focused on my food.

"This Samgyeopsal seems like it's from the Ahjumma's restaurant. It's so hard to get food there. How did he buy it?"

Well, she didn't know how Mr. Park had paid double for this just to give her a nice meal.

But he didn't mind because he would give anything to see her smiling like that once again.

He failed the mission but seems like it wasn't that bad.

---I like it when you smile. But I love it when I am the reason---

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