He's just a hot pot head.

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"Tom, come on." I mumbled as I basically banged on the door, I just needed too smoke this week away and I knew tom would do just that.

I never really understand why everyone warned me about tom the day I came to Backer Academy, they all said he was trouble, he was a fighter, and he barely would show up to class. I found out the very next day why, when I found tom lived down the road from my place and he wasn't a bad guy or anything like that he was just a pot head.

The true definition.

He smoked all day everyday out of the entire twenty four hours in a day he was smoking at least twenty two of those hours.

"Tom!" I banged a little harder at the door but it didn't open I sighed rolling down the door, I've just dealt with too much this week, from my parent's divorce, my brothers cancer, and the fight I had with my best friend.

It's just been to much too handle.

"Nessie?" I looked up to see tom walking up with a girl at his side my eyes went wide.

"Shit sorry, I just needed some-"

"It's good, that's what she's here for." He said walking by me I stood up and he unlocked the door I walked inside before he even got inside. "Oh just come in." He said in a obvious sarcastic tone I snickered taking a seat, the girl had got what she needed when the door closed I went into his stash but it was empty.

"Great." Tom had chuckled and shut the door.

"I changed my spot, room mate found it." He said going underneath one of the couches and pulling out a rolled up sock he plopped down next to me tossing me the paper's I grabbed it making a gross face and then started to roll I was filling the paper when tom had spoken up.

"So your parent's?" He asked and I stopped for just a second.

"Y-yeah." I mumbled and he sighed.

"That was a lie." I groaned rolling my eyes.

"It's just too much going on." I groaned and he tilted his head. "I mean they fight over everything, this past fight was over Johnny and who's he gonna stay with." I groaned and tom leaned over grabbing the lighter.

"And what about you?" He asked lighting it up and I scoffed.

"Judge said I'm old enough to say where I wanna stay." He nodded his head and I finished he tossed the lighter over I caught it lighting up the one I rolled.

"Well if worse comes to worse you can stay here." When Tom said that my eyes went wide and I ended up coughing trying to blow out the smoke.

"Me, stay in your TWO bedroom with you and a room mate?" I tilted my head sucking in the smoke and he snickered.

"I think we can make it work." When he said that his voice came out flirty, and dominate, my almost high eyes caught his only to find him with a smirk on his face. I licked my lips and suddenly was snapped out my daze.

"Pizza?" I tilted my head and he smirked sitting back.

"Hawaiian?" Tom tilted his head and I made a gross face.

"Fine." He laughed, grabbing his phone he was on the phone for maybe five minutes and my body was slowly feeling light and all my stressed had washed away. Tom had sat back down in the chair I couldn't see what he was doing on the phone but I knew he had to be on Instagram he was always on Instagram. I stood up walking over to him and straddling his waist.

"Tom." I mumbled and he looked up his eyes blood shot.

"What's up?" He asked and I grinned down to him biting my lip when I seen his eyes darken I knew I got the reaction I wanted.

Me and tom never messed around every time I came around we would just flirt, a little kiss here and there but mainly we talked, smoked, chatted, and ate fast food.

"S-stop." I looked down.

"What happened?" I asked and tom groaned.

"Biting your lip! Sto- Shit." He said and I felt his hard on against my thigh, I snickered and went to move but his hands pressed firmly against my waist so I stopped. Looking down tom was starring at my lips so I leaned down pressing our lips together, in a quick move my back was pressed against the couch I was sitting on. His hand went under my shirt and quickly snaked into my bra I made it a little easier pulling back from the kiss and slipping my shirt off, then I unclasped my bra and he tossed it to the floor his hands found my breast, groping, squeezing and playing with not only my chest but also my body.

His hand slid down my body till he got to my skirt his hands going under it and touching my unclothed vagina, he let out a moan as his finger ran against my pussy.

"No underwear, your bad." I arched my back off the couch a little wanting nothing more but for him to do something, he slid my skirt down and as he was coming back up he kissed my pussy, I shivered in surprise and pleasure his tongue licking a clean stripe up my clit I let out a whimper as his finger ran against my hole. One of my hands were clutching the couch and the other was tangled in tom's hair he felt like heaven, this is just what I needed. His tongue was going faster and faster sucking and licking my entire pussy my eyes squeezed shut and my body started to shake as I released and Tom licked it all up.

I was so outta breath when he came back up to my level and placed a kiss against my lips.

"You taste magnificent." He said then kissed down my neck.

"Do I?" I tilted my head and he snickered.

"Hell yeah-" A knock at the door stopped him and he stood up slipping his shirt off and handing it to me, I snickered pulling it over my head as he went towards the door to pay and get the pizza.

"Tom." I called as he turned back around.

"Hm?" He asked smelling the pizza and I smirked.

"Come here." I whispered and his head snapped up to look at me, he placed the pizza on the other couch and came over to me smashing his lips against mine.

"Your all mine tonight Nessie." I moaned into his mouth feeling his finger against my clit.


Tom Hardy one shot's.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang