Master's children.

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Description - They were raised in control, honor and stability. Well that's what some would think, they were made to be killers no matter what way you looked at it. Running away was signing your own death certificate, but these two didn't care about that.





"Throw." All of the daggers went flying into the doll's.

"Stand tall." They all stood tall and the master walked down the row seeing a dagger right into the forehead of one his eyes turned to Thomas.

"Great throw Thomas." Master said and Tom just stood tall, hands behind his back and face forward.

Thomas was only five years old when he met master, Thomas was living with his mother who was an addict and cared about nothing other then her next high, Thomas ran away from home at the ripe ago of five and that's when he met master.

He had been sleeping on streets, stairs, and people's porches for a month he barely had anything to eat and had to hide during the day because everyone always wondered why he was walking alone at only five.

Tom had turned sixteen and excelled in his training no he wasn't the best but he still always got back up. Tom was watching things fall apart master had strange guest coming and going then he heard the scream at night. Tom got out of this bed and looked around to notice no one else in the room heard it so he walked out and down the hall.

"P-please master let me see him." Tom peeked into the door, this women looked familiar but Tom couldn't pin point where he knew her.

"Your a disgrace and to think you broke in here for what?" Master asked circling the women.

"Please." Tom hissed as one of the others stabbed her in the shoulder she screamed out and Tom backed away from the door and ran back to his room, he went to sleep that night not minding the women.

The next morning master had all his kids stand tall and outside, they were all starring at the women and Tom could definitely see that they were beating her up through out the night.

"Kids." Master walked in and all his kids stood tall. "This women here broke into our land last night. Do you all wanna know why?"

"Yes master." Everyone yelled.

"She wanted to see her son." The men all looked to her and she was crying, bleeding, and her body was shaking. "Anyone know this women?" The master asked.

"No master." They all chorused.

"Thomas step forward." Thomas stepped forward and master handed him a sword. "Do the honors." Master said and Thomas nodded his head grabbing the sword and stepping forward the women watched with wide eyes and went to open her mouth.

"Edwa-" Thomas jammed the sword into her heart she yelled out and Thomas stood tall.

Was she gonna call him by his real name?

"Good job Thomas you just killed your mother." Hearing that Thomas turned around so fast he cracked his neck, he looked to the women lifting her head up and it all hit him like a bucket of cold water, he walked back to his spot and the master smirked at him.

Tom would spend that night in a silent cry, he couldn't stop it how did he not know that was his mother, how did he not know? By that morning Thomas would have already gone not looking back and not stopping from running, he got away that night and knew one day.

They would come for him.


Tom was twenty five years old and all he knew was fighting and running, he didn't need an army because he was an army of one, Master definitely trained him to be the deadly man he is today. He leaned against the wall wiping the blood from his face and looking to the twenty assassin's master sent after him, he's been use to this over the years.

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