A beautifully bruised peach.

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Part 2. Part 1 - Forbidden fruit.

Tom Hardy as Forrest.


It was Howard, Forrest, Jack, and Dannie riding in the beat up Jalopies, Dannie was standin' in the back with the cigar between her lips, they pulled over and Dannie handed the two cases to Howard who starred at her before walking towards Forrest.

"All now jack I want you to stay here." Forrest said.

"What?" Jack asked glancing at Dannie.

"Stay in the truck."

"Ain't like someone's helping ta' steal this shit, Forrest."

"Just do what your told jack!"

"Alright Forrest go on." Dannie watched them walk inside and jumped off the truck, she walked away to check the alleyway.

"Give me your money boy, do as I say or i'mma cut ya." Jack was yanked out the truck and slammed against the wall.

"Hold on now, I ain't got nothing. I'm just a driver." Dannie poked her head around the corner and tilted her head, why is he such a wimp compared to his brothers?

"You ever seen a sunset? Well, I'm fixing to cut into you.."

"I ain't got nothing." Dannie whistled which made all their attention turn to her.

"...If you don't hand over that money motherfucker - well look at er' boys." The man said and Dannie took out her knife. "Now what ya gonna do with that little thing?" He asked looking to one of his goon's he stormed over and Dannie sliced his neck open he went to the floor holding his neck. The man pressed the knife against Jack's neck and he whimpered away from it.

"Hey you, come on now you don't want to do this, why don't you put that away." Forrest was walking out and Howard looked pissed behind him. "Take you and your friends on home."

"I'd listen to him if I were you."

"You the boss?" The man asked. "Just sold a load to those dinges in there, didn't you? Okay you hand over that cash or I'm gonna cut some daylights into you-"

"You don't even see it." Forrest said and Dannie smirked seeing he had brass knuckles now on.

"What are you talking about, lets go!" Forrest hit him really hard in the face and Dannie smiled she hasn't seen him in action and she liked this Forrest, even more then she liked Howard.

"Yep, that's what he's talking about." Dannie said.

"You all right there, jack?"

"Just caught me off guard that's all."

"And you Dannie?" Howard looked to Dannie.

"I ain't his guardian, I protect no one but Maggie." Dannie said climbing into the back of the truck, Forrest starred at her impressed that not only did she kill a man but she would have watched as they cut into the youngest brother.

Dannie, jack and Cricket were sitting outside his home when a car drove up. The three of them stood up and Dannie grabbed her knife placing it at her side.

"Mind if I come in?" Charlie asked looking to the three young youngsters, his eyes lingered on Dannie's a little longer.

"Don't expect no biscuits." Cricket said as all three of them walked in, he looked to the couch.

"Who's that?"

"Aunt Winnie." Dannie said back quickly.

"Why don't you tell aunt Winnie this is not a social visit." He said and Dannie watched jack tense as he slipped his hat off and walked in.

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