Author's note

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Okay hi guys. So I should probably explain why the heck there had been no updates for like...forever...

If you haven't seen my profile where I sorta explained  why all of my stuff is on hold then er now's the time for you to know why i guess.

Okay so stuff you need to know. I am planning to finish this story. Like why the heck am i not going to? I have(some) stuff planned out! But please note that this is my first fanfiction. Actually this is my first story so yea it's crap. Like I can't even understand what was going through my head when i wrote my first chapter like seriously what is wrong with me?

Anyway, I do plan on finishing this story but I'll be doing a major rewrite and actually plan out things properly as well as work out some major plot holes. Thanks to ChristopherJustice cuz you helped me figure out how they get revived in angel beats! Like I wasn't even thinking that far in... So, dedication! Cuz you deserve it and it's my way of saying thanks I guess.

So when will I be rewriting the story? Probably late 2015 if you're lucky or else it's gonna be 2016. Yes, I do agree that that's a long ass time. But I have a reason for it and I'd say it's a pretty good one though you can call it an excuse if you wanna.

Basically, if you know anything about the education system in Singapore, there's something called o levels. Basically it's a nation wide exam for everyone graduating secondary school from the express stream. And it'll decide what kind of tertiary education I'm eligible for ._. So if I mess this up, I can say bye bye to my future...  So I really need to focus on this.. which is why you're gonna have to wait like another year before anything happens. Imsosorry....

But I will be using this holiday to plot out some of the story so I guess I won't be as slow to restart the story. Once again sorry...

On another happier note, I wanna say thanks to all the people who somehow or another managed to find this book and could actually get through those first few chapters...ugh...I don't know how you did it like I can't even. You guys are seriously brilliant like I just randomly see people voting or multiple chapters and adding this book into their library like I wanna cry already. You have no idea how happy I am like have some chocolate people! 

By the way, I am still alive on wattpad.. I'm not dead...if you want to talk to me then just comment or pm me! I might not reply immediately but I'll reply when I check. I guess the only stuff I'll update is my random book where I jot down all my random thoughts and rants and all that stuff at random times.

So until next time...


Note: If you want me to read your story and give you feedback as a reader. Again, reader. I'm totally fine with that but I don't claim to be some decent author or something..heck I don't even understand some of the stuff I write but I can point out stuff that you might not catch. Do note that I won't be able to get to you immediately cuz 

a) I'm busy

b) I'm taking a long time to go through your book

c) Both

Also if you can't stand critique that comes in the form of zero sugar coating and harsh reality as well as a huge chunk of words that will probably exceed the comment limit then I suggest not asking me to feedback to you. 

Oh and please pm me your story...with the link to which specific story you want feedback on and please put some effort into like checking your story before asking me to read it and give feedback like at least use spell check or something.

After the beats! (Angel Beats fanfic) [Rewritten as After the Beats!Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now