07 -The Rebellion wakes up

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Dedicated to imchigon for being so nice and commenting!! Arigato *bows*

chap 7:

Yume POV

"Hai~ Let's start the meeting!"exclaimed this green haired guy.

"First up,let's introduce our newest member of The rebellion!Yume!Ohayo Yume,you wouldn't know me but I am the leader of The rebellion.Everyone calls me Leader!"


"Yo!New girl!!We look forward to working with you!"

I felt so awkward,they were so friendly and nice to me...


Yukio POV


They were being noisy again.It was the new girl.What was her name?Yuki?Yurei?Yume?Who cares...

"Uno...minna,we need to continue the meeting....er...guys?"The leader was speaking yet no one but Zach noticed.Seriously,I have no idea how this guy managed to beat me.

"You guys really have some nerve..."Leader muttered"Ignoring your leader when he speaks"

Everyone froze and went pale except for me and Nemu cause,well she was sleeping and dead to the world.

"Guys,hurry up and apologize!!" That was Zach.

"Leader,sumimasen deshta!"

"Okay!I forgive you guys!"

Ah...I remember now,he scared us into joining.

"Oi.Can we start the meeting already?I have a game to play." They were such idiots,making a big deal out of everything.

"Ah!That's right,this is a meeting...Let's start then.First off, intelligence unit.What do you have for us?"

"Angel.He's started moving again.It's the same as the last time.He's going around the same few areas.We should be fine if we avoid them but recently he's been going around the school.Sitting at the back of a few classrooms and just staying there till class ends."Vis reported.Again,there was that cloak covering her,keeping her hidden from everyone.Supposedly no one actually knew what she looks like aside from Leader and a few others.

"Cordon off the areas,everyone moves in groups of three and avoid combat with him.Remember to bring a weapon with you at all times.Zach,announce this to everyone.Vis,I want a daily report on his movements.Don't lose sight of him!" Leader ordered.

"I know!We already have people watching him." Vis hissed out.

"Scarlett,Zach,Yukio.I want you three to plan out any possible outcomes and counter measures.Make sure,we have enough weapons and everyone is in fit condition to fight.And can someone tell Nemu all this when she wakes up?

Any questions?No?Good,meeting dismissed!"


Yume POV



"I don't know how to use any weapons."

"What?Don't worry!I will protect you! when the time comes,I won't let you die,so dont worry,kay?"

"Okay,arigato Scarlett! But what was with the units and why did he call you all specifically to come up with a plan?"

"Oh right,you don't know."kukai joined in,"In the rebellion,we have different people in different units to help with the operations.For example,the person just now was Vis from the intelligence unit.They keep track of information in this world and His whereabouts.

Zach is in charge of everyone's well being.

Me and Nemu are in charge of fighting but all she does is sleep though she does come through during a mission.

Scarlett is in the weapons and technological unit.She's the one inventing new stuff and a bunch of other complicated things.

Yukio is the tactician,he's creepy.Hmm...I think that's it."

"Well,just remember to avoid Him and you'll be fine.It's only for this period of time that he wanders around.The rest of the time,he doesn't actually do anything."Zach advised me.


Can someone give me some feedback please?

bai bai


After the beats! (Angel Beats fanfic) [Rewritten as After the Beats!Rewrite]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant