03 -Meeting the Rebellion

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All Japanese words will be explained at the end of the chapter 


Chap 3:

Yume POV

"Welcome to the Rebellion."Some pink haired girl said.She had long pink hair,blue eyes and a hoodie on.She wore a short skirt and carried a stuffed teddy bear.She looked about 10,like she was short which was not bad cuz I was pretty short too...

"Oi!!!!!You there?"she was snapping her fingers in front of my face.Her voice is so cute but sounded cool and relaxed,how does she do that?

"Huh?Oh yea yes,I'm here."

"Good!Time for introductions!I am Scarlett!The team's genius!Dun underestimate me cuz I'm small!"aww,she's so cute!!She's like a little neko!If only she would go nya!

"The idiot who never introduced himself is kukai" 

Scarlett pointed at the brown haired guy.

"Eh??Why am I an idiot?You're the stupid one!"The self proclaimed genius then got into a fight with said idiot.

"Hai hai,that's enough.I am Zach!The jack of all trades here.The one playing games is yukio."points to a guy in a black coat,jeans...well everything!"and the one sleeping like a pig is nemu"points to a purple haired girl in an oversized woollen shirt sleeping on the floor,there's even a huge bubble coming out of her nose!"and thats all the members here!you'll meet the rest of them later!By the way,if you see a guy with brown hair,brown school uniform,run,run as fast as you can and don't look back till you think you're safe."Zach said in a low voice. 


-school field,1800-(6pm)

Yume POV

I opened the can and drank deeply.

[1]//I can't die here but I'll feel the pain.What should I do?I joined them but I don't really know what I wanna do.In the first place,do angels really even exist?then what about demons?if the guy is a so-called 'angel' then what is this place?we cant die yet we continue to exist,we're able to create anything we are able to remember.if he really is an angel,then is this place really a safe haven for us?what is our purpose here?argh.....//

"mou...I don't wanna think anymore!!my brains gonna explode!"I screamed into the distance.

"huff!"I crossed my arms and slid onto the floor.I raised my hand,looking at it when white dust fell from the sky.//yuki*...it's the same as that time...// 


[1]anything which starts with // and end with // is thoughts 

*yuki = snow 

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