19 -Breach of the original contract

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chap 19

Scarlett POV

This wasn't a joke! Which idiot went and breached the contract? I'll kill them!


Onee-chan.She fell down because of me.I shouldn't have gone so fast.


"I'm fine,let's go!"

"I got it!"

I sped after my onee-chan as we ran across the school roof and jumped down from level to level till we reached solid earth.The whole journey took about fifteen minutes while the intelligence person left the moment we entered the base.

Now we were in the meeting room with everyone except kukai.Wait,where was he?

"Now let's begin the meeting"Leader begin.

Why is he starting the meeting?He of all people should realise that kukai's not here unless,he's not meant or is unable to be here.No matter how much of an idiot he is,he's not one to shrink responsibility which can only mean one thing.


Yume POV

"I'll get straight to the point.The purpose of today's meeting is due to a breach in the original contract.Someone has entered Angel's area.The culprit has already been found,it's-"

"It's that baka kukai right?" Scarlett interrupted Leader.

"Ah~ as expected of our genius.Congratulations,you figured in out.He was placed in a near death state where he couldn't revive himself in the infirmary.He was in that state for about there hours before someone discovered him.The question is why.Why did Angel attack kukai?That's what we need you to figure out.We've been unable to get a response from him so he's useless as of now."

"No matter how much of an idiot he is,that baka kukai wouldn't place everyone in danger by breaching the contract.Along with Angel's current movement. ... I see,I understand now.

Angel was claiming territory.Kukai entered one of them and got messed up.Che! That baka!Vis,was kukai on any duty at that time?"

"He was scheduled to patrol the dirt mounds [1]. He should have been there at the time."

"In other words,Angel has claimed the dirt mounds.Angel's taking full control of the neutral area.We need to stop him or it'll only get worse."

"Wait,Yukio! The real question should be why is he taking action after all this time?Why not before?Was he waiting for something?"

"Those questions can be answered later!For now we need to come up with a way to  protect everyone.Even the non rebellion fall under our care!"

"Huh?If we don't figure out what's going on right now then more of is will be taken down!"Scarlett exclaimed at Zach sensei.

"No,we need to figure out the areas Angel has taken control of and plan from there.That way we can use our resources best."

"Yukio! You shut up!"Zach and Scarlett yelled at Yukio as the trio got into a right over the next course of action.

"All of you shut up right now!"Leader...yelled.He was panting and had an extremely red face."We will have an emergency lockdown situation including the non rebellion.Everyone is to move in groups of three and have someone who can fight with them.Vis,you will be in charge of determining what paths are safe to use.Everyone is to report in at least three times a day.As for you,Scarlett.Have a guard with you when you figure out what He wants.That's it!Any more complaints?No?Good,now get to work!This order will be in effect immediately!"

"As you wish." Vis disappeared from the room as mysterious as always.


[1] The dirt mounds...stupid name, but I have no idea what the place is called.It's where they made the weapons after guild blew up.If anyone knows please tell me!?

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