29 -A snowy day

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Dedicated to Christopher Justis for giving me all that awesome feedback!:)

chap 29

It had been five years since Kasumi entered our lives. I was now fifteen. Nothing much had changed since then. Kasumi would enter our house and decide to cook dinner or play with me. Life was the same and I was all too happy to have her in my life. She was at times a mother or an older sister to me. 

Suddenly,my brothers became really overprotective of me. They would inquire about my daily life fervently and ask to accompany me whenever I went out. This went on until I scolded them for leaving Kasumi alone in school. It had been raining that day and I made them return to school to pick her up. She was all wet from trying to return home without an umbrella. Ken nii-chan and Tate nii-chan brought her here where she stayed for the night. I wonder if it was then that it began. That happiness which began to have cracks in it.

From then on, they made sure to take care of Kasumi better. Everything continued much the same. Or did it? I really don't know. Maybe I had always known it, just refused to acknowledge it. During the school holidays, Kasumi stayed over for a sleepover. We were watching anime again. Mirai Nikki, that was the name. The main character was what people would call a yandere. A yandere was someone who had deranged behaviour while being very loving. The main character Gasai Yuno was a yandere.

"Man...Yuno really is crazy.Doing all that for Yuki."Ken nii-chan complained.

"What is wrong? She loves him enough to kill, isn't that a proof of her love? What's so wrong about expressing your love?" Kasumi whispered.

"There's nothing wrong. I mean...it all just seems a bit too crazy for me. After all, Yuki is nowhere as cute as our Yume!" Ken nii-chan retorted before hugging me.

"Ken nii! Stop that! " I should have realised even then. The hatred in Kasumi's eyes. No,even before then, when she wouldn't want to spend time with me.

"Yume, why don't you have some friends of your own age? It'll be nice for you to hang out with someone your age.Then you can go shopping and play together. " Kasumi had told me one day.

"No! I have Kasumi here! I don't need anyone else!"was the reply I had given without a second thought.

Kasumi was my friend. She wouldn't do anything to me, right?


Once, when I was talking to Kasumi, she behaved really weirdly. She had arrived early and I invited her into my room to chat.

"Kasumi, you know recently, my brothers have been really irritating! They keep asking me where I've been. Oh yea! The other day, Ken nii-chan actually asked me if I have a boyfriend! I mean, isn't that ridiculous, why would I have a boyfriend?"

"Yume-chan. You're around that age already so your brother must be worried. But wouldn't you want to know what it's like to have a boyfriend." Kasumi said. Eh? Was it my imagination? Then you wouldn't be in my way, did Kasumi mutter that? No, there's no way. Kasumi would never say that.Just like that, I brushed it off.

"No way! I don't want a boyfriend! All I need are my brothers and Kasumi! We can just stay here and play like usual! Who needs a boyfriend?" I replied. Now that I think about it, that must have been what set her off. Staying that way forever. A time where Kasumi would be friends with me and my brothers...forever.

She left quickly after, saying that she needed to go home. I didn't understand why, just wished her a safe trip home and went to cook dinner.

It was only much later that it happened. The one who had let the bird free from her rusty cage was now putting her back into another cage. One she would never escape from.

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