14 -sparring

168 8 0

Chap 14

Yume POV

Zach and I were sparring. I punched only to be blocked then followed up with a kick.Next,I executed a series of punches and kicks.Zach was strong,very strong.All I managed to do was to hit him once or twice.His speed combined with accuracy made for a deadly fighter as he moved only when he needed to.It was intimidating to say the least when he smiles and simply stops all your attacks.


"Yume,that's enough.You're going to hurt yourself if you continue.Just continue practicing on your accuracy,you're doing fine now"


I was better now,I did not get tired easily as my stamina had been built up from all the crazy running by kukai.My evasive skills were much better as I could see the balls and gauge where they were going to land therefore dodging better.My martial arts skill had also gotten better,I was no longer stumbling around blindly but had a proper goal of where to strike before attacking.

In the midst of all the training,I had died.

The useless me who's body could not be a weapon was dead.

The coward who ran away in a fight was dead.

I was reborn.







Pingu out~

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