13 -A new teacher

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I actually have no idea who to put as Yume's teacher... 

I'm still thinking with the create thing open..... 

Just enjoy...cuz I'll have something written out for you and my frustration will be in the past....for you...


(I figured out who to put!!)Er,I forgot to tell you guys how long yume trained with kukai,it's about 3 months.



Chap 13

Yume POV(who else?)

"You are... Zach!"

"Ohayo Yume-chan! Come on,we don't have all day. Close your mouth and follow me."

Zach was my teacher...wait,Zach could fight?But wasn't he taken down by Him pretty early in that fight. What in the world is going on?



"Don't huh me!I've been calling you for about a minute,what were you thinking about?"

"Eh,sorry.I was just wondering if you could actually fight since you were taken down pretty early in that fight."

"What was that?Are you really looking down on me because of that one fight?That so cruel yume..."

"No!You're wrong,you just don't seem very strong..."

"Yume...In terms of brute strength then I am not the strongest but brute strength only counts when it hits someone. However,I'm fast enough not to get caught so I'm not hit. You still have some ways to go yume,not everything is about brute strength.

Now try to hit me. Come on,don't hesitate. That will get you killed in a battle. Attack me."

"Ha!" I charged forward and punched expecting to meet resistance but when I opened my eyes,all I saw was the wooden floor and felt myself being flipped around to land on the floor.

"Oww!" I opened my eyes to find a fist heading my way.

"What are you doing? Don't close your eyes! How are you supposed to dodge if you can't see?"

What in the world was going on?Zach was fast.I couldn't hit him at all.

"Stand up." Zach offered me his hand."Kukai trained you to have muscles but he didn't teach you how to use properly,not because he didn't want to but rather he couldn't. I'll teach you how to use your muscles.Then and only then will you have some sort of chance in a fight."


"First off lets start with running. With the order of moving around in groups if three.The idea is that if the group gets attacked,one person can find help while the other takes care of an injured or buys time. Time is precious,every second counts. If you want to protect Scarlett then you better put in a hundred times the effort you were giving."

Scarlett,I won't ever run away.After this, I'll train and train till I can protect you! I promise you!

With my newfound determination,I trained daily.I would not fail!

(timeskip of about 3 months)

"7 minutes 30 seconds for 1 mile.Good,you're better than the average person now."

I was finally faster.The training was hard but I still managed to get through it.I would stand a better chance.I wasn't strong but I was fast but I had no accuracy...

"Yume,are you done thinking?"

"Yes! What are we doing now?"

"Well,I was going to work on evasive ability but you seem so out of it,I thought we could call it a day and you can rest."

"No!No!No!No!Teach me!" I ran forward and grabbed his leg as he tried to run away,keyword,tried to."Zach sensei,please.Teach me!"

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Leader!Zach is being mean!He said he was going to call it a day cuz I was thinking!"

"Hai hai yume-chan.Why don't you let him go and we can just get some dango instead?You can always train tomorrow."

"*sniff*...I got it...but,I'll go only for the dango! Oh and you're paying,leader!"

"I'm worth less than dango?No way..."

"Ja na,Zach-sensei! Stop being so depressed!Teach me tomorrow!"


(At a dango shop)


"Yume-chan,you'll die if you keep stuffing you face with dango...and my wallet is dying as well..."

"Its okay!"

"You'll pay?"

"Huh?No way!It's not me or Scarlett paying so it's fine!"

"My wallet..." Leader muttered as tears threatened to fall.


(The next day)

"Wa!That almost hit me!"

"That's the point!So dodge better!"

I was running away from...the scariest thing in the world...tennis balls.Seriously,can you just imagine one of them coming straight at you.Now lets multiply that by about a dozen or more.Now you can experience my fear.Zach had set up one of those things used to rapidly shoot those damned tennis balls.Okay,it was official.I hate tennis balls.End of story. I wasn't dodging,I was running for my life!


(A few hours later,when Zach runs out of tennis balls)

I was alive.Alive,but defeated by tennis balls.I was pretty bruised from that.My arms and legs felt like they were weighed down and all I wanted to do was lie down and sleep like no tomorrow.

"Yume,go home.We'll do this again every two days.Otherwise,we'll have our normal running sessions and we'll do some sparring as well.Ja na!"

What the hell?I had to go through that again?Damn tennis balls!I grumbled to myself as I walked or rather crawled home.


That has got to be my longest chapter ever!! I've been writing over a few days...

Pingu out~

After the beats! (Angel Beats fanfic) [Rewritten as After the Beats!Rewrite]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant