34 -How about a deal?

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chap 34

When I opened my eyes, all I saw was a room. Well, it wasn't exactly a room, more like a dug out area which was surrounded by walls.

"Onee-chan? Are you alright?"

Scarlett. She was in a cell like mine, directly across me. From her expression, I guessed we had been here for quite some time.

"I'm fine. More importantly, where are we? What happened?"

"The last thing I remember is us being knocked out. I suppose we were transfered here after that. I have no idea who captured us but this place, it feels like we're underground. Deep underground. From what I can tell, this was built recently and we can't escape without some form of outside help."

"Why would anyone want to lock us up? Who was that person?" 

"I don't know. But that person, it sounded like he knew us. He called you Yume-chan, does anyone here call you that? In fact, he said that 'it would defeat the point of the rebellion'. Someone from the rebellion is doing this? But the problem is why? We're a part of the rebellion so there should be no reason for anyone to attack us unless...onee-chan! Do you think Angel betrayed us?"

"No!What are you saying? Yuzuru would never betray us! He's on our side!"

"But..." Scarlett didn't look convinced.

"Let's figure out how to escape from here anyway. Then we can figure out whats going on. There must be something we can do. I mean, we're not even bound."

"It's no use. I woke up earlier than you. They took away my knife and gun. I looked around and there's no dirt around for us to transform into anything. We're basically stuck here till someone comes for us."

That ended our conversation. We had no way of tracking the time so we could have been there for hours. We found food and water in a small cupboard tucked into the corner so we rationed that. All we had were blankets to sleep on and we decided to take watches in case someone entered the room. 

Eventually, we heard footsteps. I suppose we were lucky as we were both awake then. The footsteps were calm and measured, eventually, they reached where we were.

"Zach! How did you know we were here?"

"Yume-chan, haven't you figured anything out yet? I thought you were smarter than this." As he spoke, he opened the cells and tied us up.

"What are you talking about? What is going on?" He didn't reply me. He just dragged us out of the cells and made us walk out of that place through a maze of tunnels. I don't know how long we were walking but my legs were sore and tired by the time we stopped.

That was when Scarlett attacked Zach. She ran forward and raised her leg, kicking him from the side before using her other knee to smash into his face. "Run!" She yelled. Without quite understanding anything, I ran after her in a futile effort.

Zach appeared before us with a bruise on his face. Scarlett was quick to react with another kick but it was blocked and he pushed her onto the ground.

"Don't even try anything. You know that you can't beat me. I'd rather have one less person to carry." His words made me freeze, it was true. I was...completely useless.

So I could only watch as he tied up Scarlett and carried her away with me following him. Finally, we reached another room. One I had never seen before. It was sparse with barely anything inside. A single mattress and some blankets were about all there was. And so, we waited.

He sat in a corner while I dragged Scarlett onto the mattress and covered her. Finally, she woke up.


"Good, you're finally awake. I was getting sick of waiting. Now then, shall we make a deal?"


I'm so sorry! Gomenasai!!! I haven't written anything in a long time and all that was like written on my phone so I apologise for any spelling errors, etc. Ugh. School. I blame school. I'll try my best to update this as often as I can and make longer chapters when I do. Anyway, I'm gonna focus on this story until it's finished and then rewrite it when I have time...well...that's the plan anyway. Once again, I'm sorry this took me so long. Don't kill me. /~\

//holds up riot shield

Btw, who did you think the person who knocked out Scarlett and Yume was?

~Pingu out

After the beats! (Angel Beats fanfic) [Rewritten as After the Beats!Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now