A bit of silence passed.

"I didn't think you'd be scared of storms." Jaebum commented to lighten the awkward mood that had settled in the quiet between them.

Jinyoung stared at the bedsheets, toying with them between his fingers. "I've never experienced one, okay? I see them happen all the time from up there, but I've never been in one. Don't tease me."

"I won't." Jaebum agreed.

Jinyoung let out a breath, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "I'm gonna use the bathroom."

Jaebum watched him leave, his eyes raking down the large T-shirt that Jinyoung chose to sleep in, one of Jaebum's favorite ones. His eyes continued down Jinyoung's body, pausing briefly on the back of his shorts before finishing off at his feet.

One thing was for sure, there was no way to possibly deny that Jinyoung was physically attractive, not only in his face, but the rest of him too.

Jaebum quickly blinked out of it once that thought played through his head, feeling a bit weird for literally just checking Jinyoung out. Yet, the mental image of his angelic body stayed in Jaebum's head until he decided to get up and try to take his mind off of it.

He spotted Jinyoung lounging on the couch when he exited his room a bit later, averting his eyes away from the angel as he walked passed to use the bathroom.

A sweet smell, similar to the one of Jinyoung's hair but slightly different, graced Jaebum's nose as he entered the bathroom. He took in a deep breath before turning to Jinyoung who'd previously occupied the space not long before him. "Hey Jinyoung, it smells good in here, you got perfume or something?"

Jinyoung looked up, shaking his head. "No, that's my shit."

Jaebum's brows furrowed, nearly choking from the response. "I-It smells like flowers and sunshine and happiness?"

"I am an angel, after all." Jinyoung chuckled as if that answer explained anything. He found it all too amusing that his waste had such a pleasant smell, a snort escaping his nose just from thinking about how fooled Jaebum was. Suddenly he perked up, his eyes filling with mirth in the way they do whenever he was gearing up to tease Jaebum. "So wait, this means that I can tell you to eat my shit and you'd actually consider doing it!"

"No I wouldn't, asshole." Jaebum grumbled with disgust, shutting himself into bathroom.

Slowly but surely Jaebum was learning more and more about angels, all the way down to the smell of their poop. It was weird, and he was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Jinyoung even existed, but despite the oddities of living with a heavenly being, Jaebum slowly found himself becoming more interested in the hidden world that watched from above.

As he showered he pictured what Jinyoung's home looked like. Pondered on what types of things he did in heaven. Specifically wondered what he did that was bad enough to get him kicked out of the seemingly magnificent place. Dozens of questions whirled through Jaebum's mind, all of them making him realize that he didn't even know the person who'd been staying with him in his place for over a month as much as he should.

Jinyoung avoided talking about his life, yet was desperate to get back to it. Maybe it was just because Jaebum never made the effort to ask him much about it. He'd agreed to let Jinyoung stay in his house, yet still had little to no information about where he even came from.

Jaebum figured that he should probably just ask while it was on his mind; there was no harm from learning about it anyway.

He exited the bathroom with shorts on and a towel over his bare shoulder, his presence immediately earning Jinyoung's gaze that initially settled on his torso before slowly working its way up to his face. Jinyoung's eyes quickly darted away after staring for an awkwardly long time, which Jaebum figured was probably due to his lack of a shirt and how uncomfortable it was to show any skin around one another since they weren't at that level of casualness yet.

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