Chapter 3: Awkward Moments, Football And Ryan

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I want to dedicate this chapter to Tina. 'Cause there is a special scene between Logan and Liz which is quite familiar to her. *winks*

Enjoy reading.


Let the players play, let the haters hate and let karma handle their fate

After Saturday there weren't any incidents involving Ryan. Until today.

"Hello everybody." Mr. Brown, our history teacher said as he came into class. "Today we are going to..." I zoned out and looked out the window. I'm not in the mood for history. I was looking at the trees and at the clouds above while thinking about the conversation I had with Logan. 

"Protect me?! How old do you think I am?!"

I sighed. 

"Don't you think that I know myself how much I can handle?!" 

Maybe I should have told him before. Maybe I should have just...

"Elizabeth?" I came back to reality as Mr. Brown said my name. How long has he been calling my name? From the look he gave me maybe a few minutes. 

"Yes?" I said a bit nervous. 

"Could you please answer the question?" Okay what was the topic we had last lesson? AH. Right. American Revolution. But what was the question? If I would ask, the teacher wouldn't repeat it. So I had to guess. 

"Erm..." Crap. "I-" And right at the moment I wanted to say that I don' t have a clue what he was asking about someone cut me off.

"1765." Everyone looked at the direction the male voice came from. And there he sat in the far corner of the class. Ryan Johnson. The most popular guy at school. As for me he is the most despicable guy at school.  He was dressed in a white tank top, blue washed out jeans and black nikes."That's when it took place between 1765 and 1783." He said casually. We made eye contact and as everyone looked at the front again he smirked and than even winked at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Mr. Brown again.


I sat at our usual table in the cafeteria, waiting for Logan and the others to finally arrive. It was like today will never end as I sat there staring at my food. Suddenly someone from behind me shielded my eyes. "Gue-" I began to panic so I pushed my elbow in the person's stomach. I could finally see again and turned around wondering who this genius was. To my relief it was Tony. "Ouch. God damn it Liz. What was that for?" Tony whined while holding his stomach. Relieve washed over me and I came back to Earth. 

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked Tony feeling guilty. Finally Logan and the others arrived. Logan looked Tony confused up and down. 

"What happened?" Logan asked as he took a seat across from me. 

"I'm okay. I just wanted to play guess who." Logan raised a brow. "But she went all ninja on me and kicked me in the stomach." Tony said still holding his stomach with one hand. 

"Sorry about that." I mumbled. I was a bit ashamed of my reaction and felt guilty for hurting him. I don't think that any normal girl would have done that. "Just don't do it again. Okay?" I mumbled. "You scared the shit out of me."I added as a whisper.

"Definitely not. I don't have a death wish." He joked and everyone laughed at his response except for Logan. He just looked at me with a concerned expression on his face. Why can't he just be happy? Even I laughed. Okay I admit it was a forced one, but hey better than nothing. Right? He broke the eye contact and looked at his lap. My phone buzzed a few seconds later. So I pulled it out of the back pocket of my jeans and looked at the screen. 1 new message. I opened it and... Why didn't it surprise me?

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