Chapter 53: Self Medication

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We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours.


"So, the homecoming dance was last Friday," Rachel mentioned as she handed me a dripping wet plate to dry. I took it and swiped the rag I was holding along its surface. We were currently situated in her kitchen, doing the dishes together.

Homecoming was last week. I didn't attend the dance. I was still feeling exhausted and somewhat down thus forcing my body into a dress and dancing was the farthest thing from my mind. No matter how many times Courtney or Sophie begged me to go I wouldn't budge. Besides, it's not like they couldn't have fun without me, more like the opposite actually.

Apart from that, I didn't have a date. Sam and I'd talked about it before, turns out, neither of us was big on dances, so we skipped. Not that, being dateless was anything new to me.

If I had gone to the dance though I'd have probably just moped around, sitting off to the side feeling cranky. I preferred being a party pooper at home than on a party.

I did, however, attend the game. As part of the team I had to show some spirit, right?

"I didn't go."

"Yeah," she said, hands busy underwater. "Sophie told me as much." I frowned. Then why ask? "Why didn't you though? I'm sure my nephew would have been happy to take you."

So that was the reason. She was trying to play matchmaker between me and Ryan. I'd noticed it before, a few comments or suggestions here or there, but I always thought I'd imagined it. She probably didn't know I had a boyfriend.

I shrugged. "I wasn't feeling up to it. Besides, both my boyfriend and I kinda have two left feet. So, dances aren't really our thing."

I could have sworn her grip on a dish slipped when I mentioned Sam. She turned to me, eyes wide in surprise. "You are... in a relationship?"

"Err, yeah," I said, setting the plate aside and grabbing the next. Was it that hard to believe?

I could almost see her brain working, trying to make sense of the new information, while her eye lenses raced to one side and then the other. All she said was, "I see," before she turned back to the work at hand.

From there on out she was silent for the most part. Occasionally asking questions about Sam and me like how long we've been together. I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty awkward after that. The tension in the room had me nervously shifting from foot to foot every now and then.

When all was done and I was allowed to vanish I almost breathed out in relief. Then, halfway to the door, she called me back. So close to freedom. Reluctantly, I turned around. "Yeah?"

She stepped closer like she didn't want someone else to hear as she said softly, "I'm worried about him."

My shoulders slumped forward. It didn't take a genius to know who she was talking about and, honestly, we were on the same page. Ryan hadn't been his true self ever since a few weeks ago. He seemed distant, guarding himself with everything he had. Also, he was drinking. Often. A time or two, I caught him being intoxicated in school, not strong enough that it was noticeable to most, but if you were close to him you knew. I'd already taken him aside to ask about it, but every time I did, I got a clipped reply in an irritated tone, seeming like he needed to keep himself from snapping at me.

This was partly the reason why I was here today, to spend time with him. Maybe he would be comfortable enough to confide in me if I devoted some of my free time to my childhood friend. Even if it didn't work, at least, he would have less time to get drunk.

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