Chapter 13: Nightmare explained

Start from the beginning

"Sumiyuri had gotten two pov's though..."

"That was to illustrate how mentally damaged she was since becoming acquainted with Fear. I guess it was to have a better understanding of why she was talking to herself... Or wasn't talking to herself."

"There are still a few things that are still confusing, Master..."

"Like what?"

"What did Master mean The Concept of Fear is actually The  Concept of Nightmares."

"That's an easy one."

"How so?"

"I realised when Sumiyuri explained to me how the ability worked. Think about it, nightmares and fears are similar but they aren't the same. You can wake up from a nightmare and still be yourself right? But if you experience you're worst fear you'll never be the same again."

"That's right, Master." Sue nodded in understanding of what Sajin explained.

"Here's your orders!" Sumiyuri happily placed down their orders. "If you need anything else let me know!" She said and then rushed off to take other people's orders. It seemed she was becoming popular with clientele.

"She might make this place really famous. I shudder to imagine what that tracksuit idiot would look like in a maid outfit."

"Master, Continue. I'm close to understanding." Sounding so what determined Sue had furrowed her eyebrows for just an instant before relaxing.

"Okay, okay." Sajin scratched his head. "What else found weird was that she could decide how many times someone saw their worst fears. Is that not the same as reoccurring nightmares?"


"The most obvious was fact that it wasn't my worst fear." Sajin said as he started eating his noodles. Sue was already halfway through her second cup of coffee.

"I understand now."

"That's good. I'll quickly finish this and then we can go -"

"Sajin!" A familiar tracksuit wearing idiot called out to him as she crashed through the door.

Sajin pinched the bridge of his nose as his eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"What is it, you idi - huh?" His brain froze for a second.

No, it is more accurate to say that his brain was refusing the believe the scene before him. The data was reaching his eyes but his brain was purposely blocking it from being saved into the archives of his memory. Everything had changed. His perspective had completely changed of his 'older sister'.

Karin Yamamoto, who was always clad in a tracksuit was dressed in a made outfit. The black dress with the white apron. She even had comfortable boots on instead of the normal sneakers. Her name was even stitched onto the dress.

"How do I look?" She asked with a bright smile then did a twirl. When she finished all the customers started clapping in admiration. Indeed, she was a pretty girl if you forget all her abuse.

"..." When the gears finally turned his head Sajin still couldn't answer.

"Eh? You're not gonna say anything about your cute older sister?" Karin was now standing in front of him.

"... Its pretty..."

"Is that all you have to say?" She whispered in his ear in a voice so seductive that Sajin's face flashed pink for a moment. Then, like it was a reflex movement -


- Sajin karate chopped her on her head.

"S-Shut up, idiot." He said in a colder tone that usual.

"Uwa! Sajin is being a meanie!" Karin cried as she tried to pull Sajin into a hug but he kept pushing her back.

"Master is a pervert." Sue added her own input as she watched the whole spectacle. She and Karin had become very good friends over the month so whenever she was acting in a dramatic manner Sue was always on her side.

It was actually because her coffee tasted better than Sajin's.

Sajin pinched the bridge of his nose again. "You guys are annoying..." Then he raised his hand and did a karate chop twice again.

This time the both of them took damage.

"Okay, okay." Karin said, rubbing her head the bump continued to grow. "I was just wondering what do you think about this line of entertainment. Its a great way for attracting customers."

"And what should I wear when I come back to work?"

"I got this nice dress that will go well with -"


"C'mon! You're hair is getting long to the point where you can tie it into a ponytail. You will look like my younger sist-"

"Still denied. And I don't look like a girl."

Karin crossed her arms and pouted. "You're no fun." She grumbled.

Sajin almost rolled his eyes but refrained from doing so to avoid getting or damaged in any sort of way.

"By the way, Sajin. How is Hanako doing?" Grabbing a nearby chair she also seated herself with the two of them.

"I can't face her yet..." Sajin said in a more depressive tone than usual. He also sounded tired.

"What do you mean?"

"I bring her flowers every day and read her stories all the time but can't face her..." Sajin looked at Karin, making sure they were looking at each other eye to eye. "I'm still not able to be myself around her yet."

Then the three of them fell silent. Sajin always acted a certain but this time he voiced his honest feelings on what he thought was the the right thing to say to the one who looked after him.

Karin, hearing this, had a sad expression on her face. Not missing a beat on what had just happened she jumped up from her seat.

"The shop will be closing! Everyone leave now!"

A few people had confused looked on their faces but when they saw the look on Karin's face they immediately complied. A few people tried to speak up but receiving a glare from Karin they remain silent.

Sumiyuri stood confused with a few orders in her hands but quickly understood and then went back to the kitchen and remained listening to the door.

"What are you afraid of?" Karin asked, her tone sounding more mature instead of her normal airy voice. Sajin looked at her with a vacant expression.

"Have you ever felt like, your life is just made up of inconsistencies?"

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