Back Again

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Chapter Eighteen 

*Rap Monster's POV*

She felt so limp, so helpless in my arms. 

"Hospital," everyone nodded. 

After running there, well speed walking, we eventually arrived there. 

"OPPA!" We heard screams. 

"You go, I'll take her in," I said going through the doors leaving the others behind, but Jimin still followed. 

"Where's Nurse Hun?" I asked the woman on reception. 

"One moment," she rushed off to get her. Moments later Nurse Hun came rushing around the corner with a bed. 

"This girl," she tutted shaking her head. "I told you to make sure she took it easy." She scolded. We both hung our heads as they took her into a room and hooked her up to a machine. 

"Well, her wounds are healing, so that's not the problem..." She said. 

"She was clutching her stomach," Jimin said. 

"I"ll do the scan now then," she said bringing another machine in. Spreading some jelly thing on her stomach she brought another machine and scanned her stomach. 

"She'll not be happy she's missing this," Jimin said. "I'll record it," he mumbled taking out his phone. 

"Alright, well, this is the head, two arms, two legs, the baby is completely healthy. I'm putting it down to stress, what have you guys been doing to her?" She said. Me and Jimin exchanged glaces and then he nodded toward me. 

"We were in the park and she saw someone. One of the men from before, and then she just set off running, before we could stop her. Jimin eventually found her, and she said she beat him up. We were on our way home when she passed out." I explained. 

"Poor girl," she said stroking Lizzie's head. "She's going to be out for a few days, despite what she was like before with the drugs." She explained. 

We both nodded and she left the room, as Jimin proceeded to take the couch, I pulled out my phone to ring her brother. 

*V's POV*

"Oppa!" Some fans screamed. RapMon hyung told us to stay and talk to the fans, he was probably right. We need to start promoting again. 

"Hello!" We all said walking up to them. We trusted our fans not to be crazy and kidnap us or anything. 

"Hello oppas!" They bowed. There were maybe around 7 girls in the group. "How are you?" They asked. I love our fans, they're always so respectful. 

"We're fine, and you?" Jin smiled. 

"We're fine oppas, better now we are actually talking to you." They squealed. "How come RapMon oppa and Jimin oppa took a girl into the hospital?" One of the girls asked. 

I looked toward Suga hyung and Jin hyung who has straight faces, J-Hope looked around and Jungkook hung his head. 

"She's a friend of ours, and she's hurt," I said. 

"Hurt how?" They asked again. 

"It's a long story, but for now she can't return home. We care for her like she's our own sister, we hope you understand," Suga said shocking us all. He seemed to have talked to her the least. 

"We understand oppas. But who is she?" 

"Her name is Lizzie," J-Hope said. 

"We hope she gets better quickly. Lizzie fighting!" They all said together. That small action made us feel better because we all let our a sigh of relief. 

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