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Chapter Forty Six

Ten years. It's been ten years since Namjoon and I got married. But every day still feels like the day where we first got together, I truly don't understand how I got so lucky. Okay, I almost died a few times in the process (well, I did die that one time. I mean, I still don't think I died, but Jungkook says different, and who can argue with him right?), but I'm still one of the luckiest people alive.

"Hey baby, have you eaten?" Namjoon asked through the screen. They were currently gearing up for yet another tour. The recognition and love they've received for all their hard work is finally paying off, I'm just lucky I get to share the experience with them.

"Not yet, I've just put Hana to sleep," giving him a small smile I closed the door gently to Hana's room.

"I'll be home soon, just picking up the food" seeing Tae in the back, he wiggled his eyebrows giving me the middle finger. Returning the gesture, Namjoon kicked him from the screen.

"Hurry home please, the boys are running me ragged," hearing something break downstairs, Namjoon laughed.

"Yes ma'am." giving me a salute, his eye smile still melts my heart. "Now go and see what the rascals have broken. See you soon, I love you." Giving him a small wave, I chuckled to myself heading downstairs.

"Yah! What have you monkeys broken now? Aish, you really are your fathers sons," laughing at the two boys stood next to a broken lamp, puppy eyes looking back up to me, I couldn't be mad at them.

"Jisoo, get the broom. Min, the bin bag," nodding to the cupboard they set off tidying up their mess.

"Sorry umma," Min stuck out his bottom lip, tears threatening to fall. "We were trying to play ninja like Manse taught us, but I didn't see the lamp," wiping a tear away, I just smiled.

"Are you hurt?" Checking over both of them, they just shook their heads. "Then no damage is done. You're Kim boys, I can't expect you to not destroy things. Just be careful when running around, okay? Thank you for tidying up, now go get your pjs on, daddy will be home soon," sending them upstairs, I headed to the back room.

"Hey buddy, homework done?" Oh my god, I sound like my mother. It's scary. Not getting an answer, I raised a brow. "Manse?"

"Mom?" Uh oh. Here we go. Teenage drama. Come on Lizzie, you can do this. I mean, you don't actually have a choice, you have to go through four teenage phases. God damn you Namjoon wanting all these kids. Don't get me wrong, I love them all with my whole heart, but four is QUITE enough.

"Everything okay?" Hearing the front door open, I saw Namjoon come through the door with Chinese food. Even after a long day, he still thinks about me. God I love that man.

"Mom, who's Sungjoo really?" Oh. Shit. I knew this day was coming, I just didn't know when, or how soon. Sending a glance to Namjoon, he came over giving me a small kiss on the side of the head.

"What happened to the lamp?"

"Your sons take directly after you with your destructive powers," giving him a small smile, I side eyed Manse, who was just looking down. Sitting next to him, I pulled his face to look to mine.

Looking back up to Namjoon, he raised a brow.

"Sungjoo," with that one word, his expression softened. Taking the seat at the other side of Manse, I grabbed my first borns hand.

"Sungjoo is the man that saved me," he knows this much. When we take a walk, sometimes we stop by the graveyard for me to lay fresh flowers for Sungjoo. All of a sudden, I felt a knot appear in my throat, tears threatening to fall. Looking at him, his eyes, his nose, he is growing up to look just like him.

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