Ended Up Here

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Chapter Forty Five

*Lizzie's POV*

"Namjoon, seriously, I'm fine, go practice," I smiled standing slowly. Yes, I'm pregnant again. And yes, he's freaking out. 

"When was the scan again?" He opened the door for me. 

"Tomorrow at 1," I laughed shaking my head. "Now go." Kissing his lips gently, he left. 

"Umma, will I be big brother?" Manse came into the kitchen. 

"Yeah buddy, you will be," I smiled picking him up. 

"I be hyung?" He smiled. 

"Or Oppa, we don't know yet," geez, he's getting heavy. 

"O...ppa?" Why do I keep forgetting he's only 2. 

"You might have a little sister, we don't know until tomorrow."

"But, Manse can still play ninja with his sister right?" He looked up, with those massive baby eyes that send me into turmoil. 

"I'm sure she would love that," I smiled putting him back down. 

"Unci Sugar!" He screamed running to the door, to a very surprised Suga. 


"Who's betting on what?" Nurse Hun smiled. 

"Boy," I looked at Namjoon. 

"Girl," he nodded, holding my hand. 

"Has no one ever told you to go against a mothers instinct Namjoon?" Nurse Hun laughed, printing the scan.

"A boy?!" He jumped up and down, but sat and coughed. "I mean, damn, I lost." 

"...SO?" Everyone yelled when we left the room. 

"I win. Again," I made the sassy emoji, as Namjoon slipped his hand into mine. 

"Damn. Damn!" Tae yelled, sitting on the floor next to Manse. "I suck man." 

"No, you should just listen to Umma. Umma knows all," Manse stood and ran to Jungkook. 

"Yeah, Umma knows all," Namjoon smirked, leading the way out. 


A few months passed. I had a small bump, but I could still see my feet, thankfully. 

It was the middle of the night, but I wasn't feeling too well. Then I felt the bile rise in my throat. Running to the bathroom, I threw up. For the 600th time this week. 

"Jagiya?" Namjoon stood up, coming in. "You alright?" He rubbed my back.

"He's being restless," I sat back shutting my eyes into his chest.

"I'm not leaving," he kissed the top of my head. "Ever."


5 months passed, and my feet swelled. 

"Hey baby, I got you some watermelon," Namjoon whispered coming through the door. It was 2am. But he didn't even blink, he just went. 

"You're the best," I smiled and blinked tiredly, but the watermelon was more important. 

"Anything for my princess and baby," he smiled, kneeling and kissing my belly, his hands finding the sides, feeling our baby kick. 

"What are we going to call him?" I asked gently, standing. 

"How about Jisoo? That could be his Korean name, and Joshua, for his English name...." he bit his lip. 

"I like it. I love it," I smiled again, his arms bear hugging me. 

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