Aeress looked up through the rain as the explosion reached her bedroom window, pushing out billows of fire. "Warrick!" She screamed in panic, watching as he threw himself out.

She gritted her teeth, and knew she had to get her timing just right. And as his falling body passed her, she caught his arm with her free one, shouting in pain as it doubled the strain on her hand, not only that, but she also heard his shoulder pop out of place.

"Drop me!" He commanded. She did, knowing they were only a couple stories up now. Once she was sure he landed, she allowed herself to drop as well. As she landed, she heard Warrick pop his shoulder back in place. She followed suite, grunting as she too put all her misplaced bones back in their place. She was already healing from the abrupt trauma.

It was storming with the coldest breeze. The thunder rumbled, and while at any other time, this would have been relaxing, in that moment... not so much.

"Warrick, what-" She ducked as he pointed a gun at her, and he pulled the trigger as she did this. It immediately satisfied her that he trusted she could keep up.

She inhaled deeply, turning to see as the dead body fell to the floor with a splash. Then she heard the presence of way too many heartbeats in one alleyway.

They were like shadows detaching from complete darkness. They always were.

Aeress and Warrick were surrounded. Two against what looked like a hundred. These people were clearly on a mission, on behalf of someone who she desired dead the most.

They didn't immediately attack.

Aeress and Warrick stood back to back. She summoned her sword and the brilliance of the blue flames were unaffected by the shower from above, if anything, it burned brighter. She raised it, lifting her chin as well. "Well?" She taunted, "let's see you take down the false god!"

Just like that, similar to pulling a trigger, they swarmed them, all at once, ferocious and craving blood.

Aeress roared, revealing her great fangs. She swiped with boundless speed. Warrick did the same. They were back to back, defending each other with their lives. Anything less meant death or worse...

For someone who just woke up, Aeress was doing pretty damn good. That was until it happened.

"What's the matter?" Aeress demanded, kicking someone square in their chest as they charged her. Their sternum cracked under her strength. But then she could smell the fresh scent of Warrick's blood in the air. Someone had managed to sneak up on him.

"Godhead's milk," he gritted out as he fought off a new onslaught of bodies, they were countless. She noticed that his movements took more energy in a matter of seconds. The light of her sword revealed his features were straining with discomfort.

"No!" Aeress tried not to panic, knowing it wouldn't kill him, but it would weaken him and that was the last thing they needed. How the hell did they get their hands on Godhead's Milk? It was nearly impossible to find, but the answer was obvious: Jonah.

She heard it coming, and dodged as the arrow came her way, but thought twice about it when she realized it would hit Warrick right in his spine. She spun just as quickly and caught the arrow, but it sliced through her palm. The poison made its presence known instantly and her muscles buzzed in discourse.

She shoved the arrowhead into her nearest attacker's eye. They collapsed, convulsing as the residual poison destroyed their body. With one long swipe of her sword, she took out three bodies, and they erupted into flames until they were nothing.

Aeress wouldn't allow anyone to get closer to Warrick.

She stepped in front of him several times, and she knew it frustrated him, but if he was poisoned any more, he would die, they both knew it.

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