
466 29 14

While waiting for Pete to arrive Patrick paces the apartment a few times. They've gotten really close lately and from the sounds of it they're going to get even closer tonight. Patrick doesn't know if they're just going to talk a lot or if Pete meant for more physical things but either way is fine. As long as they're together there's not a lot Patrick wouldn't do so he'll just take Pete's lead and hope it goes perfectly.

Eventually Dallon gets pissed off with the pacing and pulls Patrick down on the couch with him. After wrestling with the bigger boy for a while Patrick looses a lot of his nervous energy and can finally relax.

For a while they talk about stupid stuff before Dallon wraps an arm around Patrick and ruffles his hair "I just wanted to tell you we were all talking in the group chat and I think you and Pete are gonna talk a lot tonight. It's gonna be really good for both of you but I just wanted to make sure you know"

Patrick's silent for a second before muttering "Did he tell you all we were gonna have sex or something? We haven't talked about anything like that"

The idea of Pete talking to all his friends about super private stuff makes Patrick pretty uncomfortable. He'd never tell Pete he couldn't tell Andy or Brendon but telling the whole group chat seems like a little much.

Dallon quickly shakes his head and gives a little laugh "No dumbass not like that, he just said he had a lot to tell you and that he really loves you". When Patrick pouts Dallon leans in to kiss his forehead and squeezes his shoulders before getting up.

Patrick relaxes back on the couch while his friend leaves then frowns as he pulls out his phone. Dallon said Pete had been talking a bunch in the group chat but there's not a single message on his phone. After checking to make sure he's still in the chat Patrick realised they all must have a chat without him.

It's the stupidest thing but he can't help being a little upset about it. Him, Ryan, Dallon and Joe have a chat because they live together but other than that there's nothing else. There's no reason to make private chats because anything he wants to say he'd say to everyone or to just one person.

Now all he can think is maybe they've been talking about him and gossiping with him knowing the whole time. All of them know so much shit about him that it's terrible to think what they might have been saying. Pete has so much shit he could tell people about Patrick and so does everyone he lives with. It's so irrational but Patrick can't stop himself tearing up at the thought of them all laughing at him behind his back.

He knows for a fact everyone else has had a ridiculous amount of sex but him and Pete haven't even got to second base. Maybe Pete's been telling them all about that and sharing every private thing they've ever done or said.

Before Patrick looses his shit completely he barges into Joes room and flops down on his best friends bed "Joe do you guys all have a group chat without me? Can I see it?"

The look on Joe's face tells him everything he needs to know so he finally lets tears start falling down his face. Sobbing into his oldest friends bed right before his crush gets here really isn't how Patrick wanted the night to go.

Joe stares in horror for a minute before pulling Patrick into a hug. While Patrick ruins the shoulder of Joe's shirt the curly haired boy tries to find a way to fix this. Obviously he can't show him the chat and expose everything Pete wanted to do tonight but Patrick's falling apart over it.

By the time Patrick's calmed down Joe has gathered his thoughts and rubs Patrick's back "We do have a chat that Pete made today but there's nothing bad on it, just some of Pete's personal shit. I swear on Andy's mind blowing penis that I'll show you tomorrow but I think Pete will tell you everything tonight"

That's not what Patrick wanted but he doesn't want to be an annoying bitch and push it. It's not Joe's fault he's upset and the younger boy didn't do anything wrong so he shouldn't have to deal with this.

After a few more promises from Joe, Patrick wipes the tears off his face and sighs. Joe helps him fix his ruined face and hair just in time for there to be a knock on the door. They hear Ryan run to answer it so Patrick hugs Joe again before going out to see the guy he's crazy about.

Pete looks gorgeous as always and his eyes light up the second he sees Patrick coming towards him. It's almost enough to completely get rid of Patrick's hurt and he looses himself in how much he likes Pete.

When he realises he's a total third wheel Ryan runs off again, leaving the lovebirds alone. Despite Joe's best efforts Pete can instantly tell Patrick's been crying so he closes the door behind him and goes to his crush. Patrick accepts the hug eagerly then lets himself get led to his bedroom.

Once they're wrapped in each other's arms on Patrick's bed Pete finally breaks the silence "I've missed you so much beautiful, I love you"

Patrick clings to Pete as he murmurs that he loves and misses Pete too even though they saw each other a day ago. After a few gentle questions from Pete about how he's been doing and what he's feeling Patrick breaks down and says "Why did you make a group chat without me? If you wanted to talk about me you could do it in front of me I wouldn't mind, I can take it. I'm trying to be good for you but if I'm doing something wrong you can tell me and I'll change. You don't have to lie and keep secrets, you know I'll do anything for you so please talk to me"

The amount of insecurity Patrick has is the most painful thing in the world to Pete right now. When the most beautiful, smart, talented, amazing boy can't see how perfect he truly is it's the most heart breaking thing.

Patrick's close to loosing it again but luckily Pete says something before he can. "I didn't make it to talk shit about you, you know I would never do that and if I did your friends would kill me. I've never had feelings this strong about anyone else so I'm scared shitless and I needed their advice. Maybe it was stupid to go to your friends for it but I'd already freaked out to Andy and Brendon so I needed more opinions. I'll show you the chat in 5 minutes if you want but I need to say something really important first"

Pete's voice is so shaky and nervous that Patrick lets go of his hurt for those 5 minutes to let him talk. He gives Pete a gentle peck before moving to straddle his lap. Pete runs his hands up and down Patrick's sides while pondering what to say.

Admitting his feelings is hard enough but Patrick already being annoyed with him makes it a million times harder. Pete promised everyone he would do it though and he owes it to Patrick to be completely honest.

With more courage than he actually feels Pete looks Patrick in the eye and blurts out "I want to date you and be your boyfriend, I love you and being able to call you mine would be all I could ever want"

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