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Waking up, Andy has a moment of surprise when he feels someone in his arms since Joe wasn't supposed to be here. Almost immediately he feels an arm around his stomach holding him tight and realises it's Pete. Only his best friend clings into him like a needy octopus when he sleeps which is overwhelming but also comforting.

When Andy opens his eyes he sees Pete's mess of dark hair cuddled on his chest which makes him smile. This is a sight he's seen way too often over the years and he's kind of missed it. Lately they've been spending a lot of time with their boyfriends and neglecting each other. Now they're back right where they're started which makes Andy feel calmer than ever.

Knowing Pete he probably crawled into bed at some ridiculous time after a nightmare so Andy lets him sleep. Luckily he left a book by his bed so he can lie reading and stroking his best friends hair.

Almost 2 hours later Pete wakes up with the feeling of Andy stroking his hair and hums in happiness. The ginger lets him wake up until Pete opens his eyes and looks up at Andy who smiles "Morning sunshine, you sleep well?"

The smaller boy whines and cuddles further into Andy's arms as he puts down his book to focus on his friend. Pete clutches Andy tighter and murmurs "I told Patrick I love him, I'm falling so fucking hard for him and I don't know what to do"

He's already starting to panic again but Andy stays completely calm and keeps stroking Pete's hair. This is far from the first relationship freak out he's been through and it barely phases him anymore. Especially when it's with someone he likes as much as Patrick, there's nothing at all worrying him for Pete. Patrick's the sweetest guy in the world and loves Pete to death so the only thing that could hurt Pete is himself.

If he got out of his own head and just made Patrick his boyfriend Andy believes they'd be so happy together. After the amount of shit relationships Pete's had, Andy's gotten pretty good at seeing incoming disaster. With Patrick all he sees is two idiots in love who can't pluck up the courage to tell each other that.

Before Andy can find a nice way to tell Pete what a twat he is, the door opens and Brendon slips in. He woke up hoping someone would be making him breakfast then came to find his roommates when he saw the apartment deserted.

Easily the tall boy slips into bed with the others and cuddles up on the other side of Andy. Pete huffs at loosing some of his snuggling space but also reached over to tangle his fingers with Brendon's.

They lie in silence while Andy pets his boys before he says "Patrick loves you too and I'd bet anything on the fact he said it back after you did. You gay disasters have been in love with each other since you met and the only people who don't know are you two. I know you're still fucked up with relationships but Patrick's a good guy and you should go for it. Everyone's sick of the mutual pining and there's nothing I want more than to see you both happy"

That's exactly what Pete wanted to hear but also what he was dreading to hear. All he wants is to make Patrick his before someone else snatches him up but it's terrifying. Getting his heart broken again would fuck him up completely and Pete doesn't know if he's ready to risk it.

Andy's said his piece and returns to his stroking of both boys hair while Brendon watches Pete intently. When he sees Pete panicking even more he climbs straight over Andy and lies on top of Pete. Pete's being suffocated by Brendon while still half in Andy's lap but feels safer than ever. Being crushed between his two best friends is one of the best places in the world to be.

When Brendon pushes himself up Pete gasps and smacks at the younger boy then pulls him into a hug. Brendon whispers "Don't be scared, he's not going to break your heart again he's only going to help rebuild it. He wrote you a fucking love song and probably has hundreds more hiding away like you do with love poems. Trust him and trust yourself, you'll be perfect together. I had the balls to get with two guys already dating each other who are so painfully out of my league. If I could do that you better have the balls to ask out a cute single boy who already loves you"

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