
620 31 15

Babe I'm playing a show
It's for an exam and stuff but I want you to come
Everyone else is coming and you'd probably just come with them but I want you to come for me and stuff

Want me to bring roses and candy as well???

If you want to then feel free

I'll make a sign and be the embarrassing boyfriend in the front row cheering the whole time

I get stage fright so that'd be nice
As long as I know someone will like it and support me

I'll always support you
And you're crazy talented so everyone else will too

Dal and Ry are way better than me

They're probably good but you're the best
With my very limited musical knowledge I know this

Do you play anything??

I can play some basic ass chords on bass
I wanted to be in a band as a teenager but I have no talent so gave up
I have shit tons of lyrics tho
Maybe some time you could look through them
And maybe use a couple
I have like 20 books full so feel free
You don't have to tho

I'd love too
Ryan's awesome at words but I'm more about the music
I'd love your words
You wouldn't mind me using them?

Not at all
I'd love to hear them in your voice
It's a lot about my exes and shit but you might like it
Some of its cringey but I'm sure you could find something good

I bet it's all good
Just come to the concert thingy tho ok?
It's tomorrow at the music hall on campus at 7

Ofc I will
And the others are probably going so if my dumb ass forgets they'll remind me

I'll see you then xx

Aw you're leaving??

I have to practise :(((((

Could I come over
I'd love to listen

I want you to hear it for the first time tomorrow
I'm sorry babe

It's ok
I can't wait
Those 25 hours will feel like 25 years 😩

You're such a cheesy loser smh
I love you
I'll see you at the show

See you then
I can't wait
You'll be fucking flawless


Patrick spends the rest of the night practising then the whole next day until Joe tells him to shut up. He's only going to be playing 3 songs so after hours of nothing else, the other boys are pretty fed up.

For a while Patrick distracts himself with the tacos Dallon cooked but ends up back at his guitar again. Finally the other boys drag him out of the dorm to the stage. There he can distract himself tuning his guitar until people start coming in.

Patrick watches nervously from the side of the stage until he sees Pete, Andy and Brendon. Half of him was convinced that Pete wouldn't show up so this makes him feel so much better. He wrote a song for Pete and he's terrified for him to hear it but also desperate for him to hear it. It's got all the feelings he's too scared to tell Pete about so Patrick's ready to just get it out. Everyone else will hear it all too but Pete's the only one he cares about.

Ryan's the first to perform and he's super good which calms Patrick down. Ryan's voice is super pretty and his lyrics are amazing so listening to him always puts Patrick in a good mood. He's pretty calm for most of the show, cheering loudly for Dallon and Joe as well before its his turn.

Patrick's one of the last to perform so he steps out and starts playing as soon as he can. If he's playing music it's easier to be calm than when he's just standing there in front of people.

After the first two songs Patrick takes a breath and murmurs "This next songs called Favourite Record and its for someone I love". He hears people giggle a little at that but quickly jumps into the song. Halfway through he looks up and meets Pete's eyes then doesn't look away for the rest of the song.

As he lets out the last line everyone bursts into applause so his eyes are forced away from Pete to bow to the crowd. He's quickly shuffled offstage for the next act and falls into Dallon's waiting arms. The taller boy holds Patrick tight and smacks his back "You were fucking incredible, I told you there was nothing to worry about"

Patrick feels like a million weights have been lifted off him and he's so glad he didn't wimp out of doing this. The rest of the show flies by until everything finally finishes and they can go see their friends. Joe flies into Andy's arms as always but Patrick can only look around in confusion for Pete. He was with Brendon and Andy the whole show but now he's disappeared.

Brendon pulls Patrick into a hug and tells him he was amazing but Patrick can't concentrate until he sees Pete coming back. The older boys smiling ear to ear and carrying flowers so Patrick runs over and pulls him into a hug. Pete holds him tight then pulls back to give the ginger a kiss and give him the flowers.

It's such a dumb cheesy thing but Patrick's heart feels like it's exploding from love. Even if him and Pete aren't official their relationship is Patrick's favourite thing ever.

Pete gives him another gentle kiss before wrapping an arm around his boy "Come on, let's take you talented pretty boys out for milkshakes and ice cream".

Patrick giggles and pulls himself closer to Pete but Joe just looks over and rolls his eyes "I better be included in these pretty boys and why the fuck are we getting ice cream in February?" Andy laughs and grabs Joe's hand "You're always included in the pretty boys and ice creams good no matter the season"

No one can find a fault with that so they all head off to the nearest Denny's. There they all squish around a table and order milkshakes and ice cream sundaes. Patrick's feeling slightly sick from nerves still so he just cuddles with Pete and steaks bites of his sundae. Sharing food is something he's done with practically every friend he's had but it feels so much better with Pete. Having the guy you like feed you scoops of ice cream off his own spoon is easily one of the best feelings.

By the time they finish its almost midnight so they all stumble back to their dorms. None of them feel like separating so after a short whispered argument they all go to Pete, Brendon and Andy's dorm. It's the closest and cleanest one so everyone agrees it's the best, plus there's plenty of frozen pizza for midnight snacking.

Andy and Joe easily fall into Andy's bed together as they've done loads of times before. Ryan, Dallon and Brendon all squish into Brendon's bed despite the fact it's way too small for three grown men.

After all their friends go to bed Pete and Patrick spend a few minutes awkwardly wondering what to do before Patrick huffs "Look if I was a nicer person I'd offer to sleep on the couch but I'm not nice and not going to sleep on the couch. I'm sleeping in your bed tonight so either come join me or enjoy the couch, I'm fine either way"

Patrick heads to Pete's room so the tattooed boy watches him go in awe before following him. Patrick's so sweet and cute that Pete often forgets what a little bitch he can be sometimes. It's hotter than it should be and its even hotter when Pete sees Patrick crawling into bed in just his boxers.

As fast as he can Pete strips down to his boxers too and climbs into bed with Patrick. The ginger smirks at how well this went for him before pulling Pete into his arms to spend the night together.

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