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Patrick wakes up alone in his bed and scowls. He knows he fell asleep with his face in Pete's chest so the fact he's not waking up that way is very offensive.

For a while he lies in bed hoping Pete will show up but eventually gets up, still scowling. Patrick shuffles out of his room and huffs even more when he sees Pete and Joe spread out on the kitchen floor. They've got a packet of poptarts, multiple cans of beer and bag of weed between them, and are surrounded by papers.

Patrick doesn't even want to try processing what they're doing to he puts on a pot of coffee while both boys look up. Pete gives him a big smile and rolls onto his back "Hey babe, we thought you were going to sleep all day, do you always sleep past midday?"

Joe cackles and says it's a very frequent thing so Patrick kicks him before grabbing a mug. Once he's got a cup of coffee in him he's feeling more human so he gets another cup before sitting on the floor. He tries to pick up one of the papers to read but Pete snatches it off him and starts collecting everything up "Sorry babe, Joe was just reading my shitty poetry"

With a pout Patrick grabs the stack of papers Pete's holding and gently tugs on it "I wanna read your shitty poetry too, sharing is caring and you don't want me to think you don't care"

Despite such stupid reasoning Pete lets go so Patrick can start reading. Pete's handwriting is a complete mess and a lot of it is incomprehensible but some of its really really good.

Pete's given up trying to hide stuff so Joe goes back to the notebook he was reading. Patrick and Joe work their way through everything, highlighting anything half decent while Pete gets high. Apparently he doesn't like people reading his stuff and the only way Joe can get him to agree is offering beer and weed.

By the time they're done Pete's gotten through two cans of beer and most of the poptarts so he's not looking too good. Patrick could easily read everything 20 more times but he'd rather not watch Pete fall apart completely. Instead he tucks all the papers into a neat pile then opens his arms for Pete. The older boy crawls into them and cuddles into Patrick's chest, tucking his knees up to make himself as small as possible. Patrick whispers that everything Pete wrote was amazing then just holds his crush.

After a few minutes Joe finishes too and laughs at their cuddling before going off to piss. Once they're alone Pete pulls himself fully into Patrick's lap and shakily whispers "Did you like any of it? I write so much bullshit but maybe there's a lyric or two in there that's not completely terrible. You can use anything you want, hearing my words come out of that pretty mouth would be amazing"

He sounds like he really really wants Patrick to write a song using his poetry but also sounds terrified of it. Patrick definitely wants to do it sometime but he'll probably have to wait for Pete to be less self conscious about it.

To calm Pete down he promises he'll write a song with Pete's beautiful words then guides the tattooed boy into a kiss. Pete wraps his arms around the gingers neck and kisses back eagerly then lies his head on Patrick's shoulder "I love you Rick, has this changed anything? Do you still want to date me someday even after knowing what goes on in my fucked up head?"

That might be the most bullshit thing Patrick's heard lately which is impressive considering the people he lives with. To shut Pete up he rolls his eyes then leans in to kiss Pete hard while also reaching down to squeeze him through his jeans. Pete moans loudly and gives Patrick a desperate look but the ginger just rolls his eyes again "You're kind of fucked us but that's ok, everyone is. Me, Joe, Bren and Ry have a lot of shit wrong with us between the four of us so I can handle you, I promise. You're fucked up and I'm fucked up and the world is super fucked up so let's just be happy. I think you should shut the fuck up and get high with me on this stupid kitchen floor before I beat your ass"

A lot of the time Patrick's pretty incapable of being romantic of kind in any way but it seems to work on Pete. Neither of them are super mushy or fluffy so they don't need to spew stupid lines at each other. Sometimes all it takes is some dark poetry and threatening to get in a fist fight to fall even deeper in love.

Patrick doesn't smoke much but is irrationally excited to get high with Pete. He's never done it with someone he has such strong feelings for so it should end up being a good time. Maybe they'll get totally fucked up and do something stupid but even if they do Patrick can't say it would be bad.

For the next hour they smoke the rest of Joe's weed on the kitchen floor. Joe comes to check on them a couple of times but gets the idea pretty quickly he isn't really welcome. Both boys love him to death but right now they just want to get stupid together without anyone between them.

By the time they run out of weed Patrick's so dizzy he can barely sit up so he just lies in Pete's lap giggling. Obviously Pete's smoked a lot more so he's pretty high but still mostly functional. Getting up seems like way too much effort so Pete stays cuddling Patrick and giving him lots of messy kisses.

After a few missed sloppy kisses Pete manages to find the gingers lips and licks happily into his mouth. All Patrick can do is open his mouth and completely let Pete into him.

When Pete pulls back they're both panting so Patrick whines and lazily reaches for the tattooed boys hand "Take me to bed, please babe please, I love you"

That wasn't at all what Patrick meant to say but he can't take it back. Asking Pete to sleep with him then immediately telling him he loves him is really a mess. Pete takes it shockingly well though because he scoops Patrick into his arms and carries him to bed.

While he tucks the ginger in he leans in to kiss his forehead and whisper "I love you too, you might not remember when you wake up but I'll tell you any time and any place, just ask me".

Patrick's too dizzy and sleep to do anything except pull his crush down into bed with him then fall asleep.

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