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I could feel my heart beating against my chest as the lights came back on. I took a deep breath as a small round of applause came from the crowd.

"하나,둘,세..." I spoke loud and we all bowed at the same time. (1, 2, 3)

"안녕하세요, 우리는 나이트 윙스입니다." We all spoke simultaneously and looked out at the crowd,"Hello, we are the Night Wings."

"내가 지도자,세습니다," I bowed and took a step back. (I am the leader, Josephine. )

"나는 장남,Eucariz," Hyung bowed. (I am the eldest, Eucariz)

"나는 비밀 병기, Alejandra," Ale bowed. (I am the Secret Weapon, Alejandra)

Daisy and Ang rushed up to the front, and making a heart together they introduced themselves.

"나의 천사가 그룹," (I am the Angel of the group)

"나는 선샤인," ( And I am the Sunshine)

They rushed back to their place as Karyme and Naomi stepped out.

"나의 막내,Karyme," ( I am the Maknae, Karyme)

"나는 성령,나오미," ( And I am the Ghost, Naomi)

"하자!" I smiled and we all got into place for Baepsae. (Let's do this!)

As the music played, my world became nothing but my own. I could see the crowd, I could see my friends, but nothing mattered except my friends. My other family, the people that had stayed beside me through it all, through thick and thin. Nothing else mattered but them, I couldn't care less about this performance, or how it was performed, this is for us. This is for them, I trust them, and they trust me. We are a family, though no one else can see it. We are a group of girls with the hearts of Idols, with the minds of sisters, with the souls of saints. We got here together, we came here not knowing each other. Shy and confused, and when we met, we didn't know what to do. Yet, here we are, standing strong, dancing side by side without a worry, here we are through it all, through the hate and the prejudice, through the stress and the doubt. Here we stand together, because we aren't just a dance line anymore, we are a family.

I looked at each member as they danced.

Euca, a strong dancer. A hard life to live and a heart bigger than most other's that I've met. Practices until she can't anymore and then still gets up to dance.

Angie, a hard worker. A loving and caring nature and the mindset of a mother. She never got tired of our whining.

Ale, my best friend. A shy girl who was afraid to perform and tempted to back out of the dance line, yet stayed beside us all.

Daisy, an amazing dancer. A strong person, dance is her passion and you can see it.

Karyme, our youngest member. Introverted, doesn't talk much but practices as much as she is able to.

Naomi, another shy member. She is small but strong, she is odd but she is our sister.

And me, I am just their leader. Their president, and their sister. The person they look to when there are decisions to make. Yet each one stands beside me in whatever I choose without argument, each member always protecting me from the world when it dared to threaten me. Always helping me up when I fall, and that... that is something I love about these girls.

The last notes of the song played and we stood in our last positions. After a few seconds the lights died down and we all walked off the stage, breathing slightly faster than what we had. Behind the stage stood Mimi and Rin-Hyung, both standing with plates of food.

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