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I ignored everyone during breakfast. I brought one of my comics and sat against the wooden wall, and ate the food, ignoring all the questions and concerned comments directed towards me. My brown eyes were half closed as I read it over, engulfing the fork with a piece of the waffle I was eating. I could feel James' eyes on me, but I ignored him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Kirk, his black curls falling on his face, a small smile on his face. "Are you alright?" He asked softly. Giving a soft nod, I looked back at my comic, he let out a small sigh as he sat besides me, trying to comfort me. He slid his arm around, about to put his arm around me until the bell rang. 

Sighing, I stood up, ready to go to my cabin and make up an excuse on why I should stay in the cabin and not bother to talk to anyone. I humiliated myself in front of my friends and especially James, I can't be with them. I felt bad for pushing Kirk away this morning, I felt bad for seeming to use Cliff and Lars, and definitely James for treating him like absolute shit.

"Yo," I felt someone nudge my arm and immediately recognized the blonde hair and deep-ish voice as Sunny. "You alright?"

Looking up at her, I nodded. "Just hurt, even though I wasn't the one who was hurt." Nodding, we walked back in silence, left with my thoughts. Walking back in the cabin, I threw the comic on the bunk as I walked outside, ready as I walked past everyone.

James stared at me as if he wanted to say something, Kirk stared at me like he wanted to run up and give me a hug, and Lars stared at me, seeming extremely guilty. Cliff, who stared at me as if was a super concerned parent, Jason, who was sitting afar at a tree, gave me a sympathetic look as if he was saying 'I'm sorry that you're caught in this drama', and Dave's gaze was unreadable.

Storming past them as I looked away from them, I went to the health office. The woman, who I hadn't recognized this time, looked at me as I ran in. "Hello! Do you need anyth-"

"I have a super bad headache, and the heat is making it worse." I made up a lie so I didn't haven't to confront the dudes.

"Ah, alright." She gave me a sympathetic smile. Going towards the cabinet, she pulled out a bottle of pills and reached into the mini fridge, and gave me a water bottle and 2 pills. "Make sure to stay in your cabin, rest, and when you feel better, you can come out."

"Awww..." I said, pretending to be sad that I couldn't go outside. Nodding, I took the pills and swallowed it with the water, and ran back to the cabin, my ginger hair flying in the air. I flung the door open, jumped in my bunk, and fished in my backpack to get my walkman out, but I stopped at the familiar voice.



i'm back

i think

𝕮𝖆𝖒𝖕 𝕾𝖚𝖓𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now